Online Platforms – Are they Effective for learning in 21st Century?


As we all know that, “education is the key necessity of any society as it empowers with the wisdom to raise the standard of the society”. It also makes everyone understand the real time situation and survive against it. It also helps in utilising the available possibilities and exploring for the unavailable one. Therefore, In today’s article, we are exploring the effectiveness of online platforms in learning.

Online Platforms in learning

Now, when we all are facing the challenges due to the nationwide lockdown because of the Covid – 19. Schools, colleges and universities are shut down. So, what about education? Formal education had also been shut down in the way the schools, colleges and universities were done. It means that live interaction between the students and teachers is not happening physically. This had also affected the planned activities with reference to the academic ones like course coverage, exams and assessments etc. But, with the ongoing uncertainty, the solution was thought as the implementation of online platforms in further continuing the education. Therefore, I am sharing here some of the digital initiatives through online platforms being (was) taken by the educational institutions.

Through YouTube / WhatsApp / Other social media platforms

Some institutions are using these online platforms to deliver the recorded sessions / similar pre-available sessions (in terms of videos / audios along with the text material) of different courses by their teachers to the students so that their education will not suffer in this situation.

I hope, everyone is familiar with the use of such platforms.

Through Google Classroom / other similar platforms

some institutions are using these online platforms to deliver the sessions by uploading the videos / audios / text files / useful links under the course work section of these platforms.

In order to use such online platforms (I am telling here the case of google classroom), first teachers are required to create classes of their subjects by signing up on the Google classroom and then inviting the respective students to the class with the help of their Gmail ids or giving them the unique class code. The use of such platforms also helps in the assessment of the students in the virtual class itself.

Through Zoom / Meet / other similar platforms

Some institutions are using these platforms along with the other ones to deliver the live sessions.

In order to use such platforms, the teachers are required to create the meeting link on one such platform. Thereafter, they share it with the students through different social platforms in order to connect for the live interaction. Meet is also available in the google classroom for its effective use while scheduling the classes.

By developing their own Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Some institutions had developed their own learning management systems in order to deliver the safe and effective sessions through live interaction / recorded sessions / text materials etc.

The development of such online platforms has also enabled them to plan their assessments accordingly. Moreover, the development of such systems has also enabled them for the digital aspects of the education.

learning through online platforms
Representational Image

Effectiveness of online platforms in learning

Till now, you all have become familiar with “what platforms are being used to educate”. Now the question comes, “are these platforms being used effectively?” or “are the students learning effectively using these platforms?” or “are the educators educating effectively using these platforms?” I am trying to answer all these questions with the help of the following points;

1. Effective use of such platforms depends on the uninterrupted network connection in order to provide smooth learning environment.

2. Effective learning of students through such platforms depends on the useful amount of time, they have devoted to the sessions / learning materials. It also depends on the number of questions / queries they have asked with their instructor during the session. In general, how interactive the students are with their instructors during the virtual classroom.

3. Effective use of such platforms by educators depends on the amount of useful sessions being taken / content uploaded / assessments being taken. It also depends on the instructiveness / interactive part of the sessions / content.

With these points, you all can answer the above questions related to the effective use of such platforms. But, if you want to effectively use them, go through the following points;

For educators

Be focused and interactive during the virtual interaction with reference to the topic of the class. Take queries from the students, as many as possible to understand their problems and resolve them accordingly. Most important, Interact with them as you would have done during the physical class. It will help in order to make the students comfortable with the virtual interaction. Also try to give them the topic of the live interaction well before the same. It will help the students in preparing for the session in advance.

For students

Be focused, interactive and ask queries during the virtual interaction with reference to the topic of the class in order to understand the topic better. Prepare yourself for the live interaction with the pre-study of the topic in advance, if your instructor has given you the topic well before the live interaction. Most important, think that you are interacting with you teacher as you would have done during the physical class in order to learn better. Also submit your assessments / quizzes with in the time frame as given by the instructor, with utmost sincerity.


While teaching / learning through virtual platforms, try to be in a location within your home with good network connectivity, follow proper schedules for classes, proper lighting and ventilation, proper seating arrangement, relevant materials like notebook, pen etc.

There may be many more points, but important is to “Be disciplined as it is the key to success” and “teach / learn as if you are going to add value with it not just to (make them) crack the exams”.

Happy Learning. Best Wishes.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

1 thought on “Online Platforms – Are they Effective for learning in 21st Century?”

  1. Pingback: Online learning - Causing stress in 21st Century - एक बदलाव बेहतर जीवन के लिए

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