Develop 7 employability skills to steal the attention of recruiters during 2023

How to develop employability skills common for all careers?

In our previous article, we had conversation over the personal qualities similar to all careers. Now the question is that “How to develop these qualities in an individual?” Most of the individuals specially the young generation always desires to know the answer to this question. As, they are now familiar with the common employability skills required for any career. They need to know that how to develop these qualities in order to start their career. Moreover, every employer looks for these employability skills in their prospective employee. Therefore, it is necessary to know that “How to develop employability skills common for all careers?

Let’ take a look over the findings which may help you in developing these employability skills / qualities. These insights relevant to the each of the personal qualities are as;

Technical Competency

Technical competency means to be technically sound enough for the job roles, you are applying for. Let’s understand it with some examples. So, for example you are going to apply for web developer, it means you are required to be competent enough in website development & relevant skills like programming in a suitable computer language. If you are going to apply for a business analyst / data analyst, it means you need to possess related skills like data science, python, statistics etc. Similar case is with other job roles as well.

Now, the question is how to develop them? So, the answer is simply by focusing on learning through the lectures / books etc. But this is not enough to reinforce the learning. Learning can only be reinforced by understanding its application and practically implementing the same. Until you practice enough in a skill, you can not be the master of it. Even, now a days there are plenty of resources available over the internet to learn the skills.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are the great way to expose your technical competency in an effective manner. In order to master the communication skills, you need to understand the power of presentation. There might be several ways to improve your communication. But the simplest one is by presenting your thoughts in front of your colleagues and asking for the suggestions. Thereafter, you can incorporate these suggestions to improve further.

It is also important to understand that what to say? where to say? when to say? and how to say? This is the art of communication. But when you will start sharing your thoughts with the community, you will start understanding all these basics and improving further.

One more thing, yes, language also matters a lot in communication. Therefore, you need to speak in a language, which your audience can understand.

Time Management

Time management could be practiced by charting your daily schedule and follow it strictly. However, initially you will find it typical. But as you start practicing it for few days, you will understand the benefits of time management.

While charting your daily schedule, you must be realistic. It means that you need to schedule the activities based on their priorities and in a way that they could be attainable in the defined time period.

Leadership & Team Work

Leadership is the art of collaborating and enthusiast the team members in achieving a common organizational objective. While, the team work is the art of working in harmony with all the team members for effectively achieving the common objective. These skills could be best learned by being involved in the various events of your institution. These events are the best way to work in collaboration with others.

Being a leader is always challenging and as a leader your one decision can impact the lives of thousands in the organization. Therefore, these skills are the great way to positively impact the community.


Flexibility is the most demanding skills of the present scenario. Besides the other skills, you are also required to learn with the changing demands of time. As, change is the only constant in the universe. You are required to update yourself regularly with the market demand.

An individual always learns these skills in the times of adversity. Therefore, whenever you face any hard situation, don’t let yourself surrender before it. Instead, train your mind to think and find the opportunity inside it.


Creativity is the art of devising new or alternate methods of problem solving leading to the sustainable growth of the organization. This skill could be learnt by trying different innovative solutions to the problems, you face in your life.


This is, what you get when you follow someone who is successful in their career. Now, what is meant by being successful? This is another question. But in general, you usually follow those, who have created a positive impact on the society through their work. You are required to go through their life stories and understand that they have also faced problems at many stages of their life. But the important thing was that they never let them down in hard times instead they found the opportunities in the problems itself.

career skills

Concluding Remarks

These may be some of the ways through which one can develop the personal qualities / traits common for all careers.

I hope, you all would get benefitted from these findings and prepare yourself for a rewarding career. Share your thoughts as well that how you are going to develop these career skills? If you like, share this with your friend on social media as well.

Stay pleasant. Be productive.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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