“Adversity in to Opportunities” or “Opportunities in to Adversity”?


There is a very well saying that “where there is an adversity, there is an opportunity”. Now it depends on the individual that how you are going to make of it? At the same time, if you are not careful in your decisions then it may also be opposite of it. Even the chances are that you might convert that opportunity in to adversity while looking for opportunity in adversity. Now, the question is – Are you turning “adversity in to opportunities” or “opportunities in to adversity”? So, let’s try to find out the insights with some narratives from the recent happenings.

Boycott china trends

First narrative, we can take from the very popular boycott china trending on social media. So, if you are really willing to boycott those products which are made in china, you should. Actually, in reality, the question is not just about boycotting Chinese products. The question is while boycotting for Chinese products, are you aware of their local alternatives? If you are aware about the local alternatives, then it’s fine. But in the case of not finding the right alternative, what are you doing?

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Just boycotting or finding some ways to develop those alternatives at individual level or through collaboration at community level. Now, if you are going to develop those alternatives, you are definitely going to take opportunity out of adversity.

But, if you are just boycotting, then the chances are of the unemployment for those, who are locally working in such organizations, which are being funded or operated from china. In this case, the opportunity to boycott Chinese products may turn in to adversity. Boycotting Chinese Products – Narrative from the common man view point.

Hospitals treating the patients with corporate packages

The second narrative, we can take from the news of charging excessive amount of money from the patients while treating them during recent lockdown by the hospitals. However, this may not be applicable for all but it is true in some of the cases. As you will go through the recent news on several media platforms or social media. You will find that some of hospitals has taken this adverse time to treat as opportunity in order to sell the different covid related treatments as high cost corporate packages.

In this case, it becomes the responsibility of the respective administration to take this adversity as an opportunity but in a way to serve the community in a supportive manner. More, we should understand that everyone has suffered a lot during this coronavirus crisis. So, it is the mutual responsibility of everyone to support each other during this tough situation.

Hike in bus fare by uttarakhand government

The third case, we can take from the news of hike in bus fares by the Uttarakhand government. So, as you are familiar with the decision of the Uttarakhand government to increase the bus fares by double amount. More, while going through the logic for the same, it may seem just like a simple business calculation.

Now, as the logic says that the government is allowing to run buses on different routes with half of the normal capacity because of safety measures concerning the impact of coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, the fare of buses would get doubled as the number of allowed passengers to travel has reduced by half.

With this, we can understand that the government is acting just like a simple business firm. With being aware of the impact of coronavirus lockdown over the economic condition of the common man, still they are treating like the business firms. Now, at this point, I leave it on you to think that – is this turning “adversity in to opportunities” or “opportunities in to adversity”?

Hike in the price of petrol & diesel

Another case is somewhat similar to the previous case. This narrative is from the news of almost every day and I hope, you all are well aware of it. Well, you guess it right. This is related to the daily hike in price of petrol and diesel by some amount. It has resulted in the hike by a large amount in price of petrol and diesel in combined way.

Adversity and Opportunity
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In this case, if you will go through the stats you will find that the prices of petrol and diesel have increased by Rs. 9.12 / litre and Rs. 10.77 / litre with the small increments in the past 21 days. So, again this is simple business way. You will raise the price, no matter the consumer is able to pay or not. More, the thought process is like that “why the consumer will not pay, if he is in requirement, he have to pay”. Now, again, I leave it on you to think that – is this turning “adversity in to opportunities” or “opportunities in to adversity”?

Coronil from Patanjali

The fifth case, we can take from the very recent news of development of a medicine named as “coronil” by our very own swadeshi firm “Patanjali” at a reasonable price. Now, as the news has arrived, everyone started to make question over them for one or other reasons. The primary reason being the way Patanjali has advertised it as the antidote to the coronavirus. This reason has also raised many questions over their process of taking necessary approvals from the AYUSH ministry and other government research bodies for the same like ICMR.

Now, until everything gets cleared from the concerned authorities over the necessary approvals and authenticity of the medicine to cure coronavirus, it is important to wait for the decision. This has also started several conversations in favour and against of the same over the social media with different viewpoints.

But for now, one thing needs to be appreciated that atleast Patanjali has tried to take advantage of the opportunity from the adversity and that too in a reasonable way. Because, if the same would have been developed and launched by some other organizations or country at a heavy price, the chances are that there would be no such questions / debates like these.

Conclusive remarks

There are several other cases of different areas such as the academic community, essential service businesses and many more as well, where you can also realise the fact that how the different individuals or organizations are treating this situation and turning it as “adversity in to opportunities” or “opportunities in to adversity”?

I hope, now you got the point that if you are not well aware of the impact of your decisions then how your decision to turn “adversity in to opportunities” would get turned the “opportunities in to adversity”. So, be wise and take well informed decisions.

Stay pleasant, be productive.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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