4 Ways – How a leader could be responsible in the rise and fall of the organization?


Leader, usually when we thought of this word, we come in our mind with the pictures of great super heroes who comes and rescues everyone in the times of disaster. Therefore, whenever we face any bad situation, we always look forward to them to seek help. But as they are also humans by birth like us, they also have the challenges like us. However, they are required to face these challenges as it was their choice to be the one.

Now, this choice is the result of their own will or forced one as part of the organization. That is a different question. The important is that they are now leader and they have to behave like the same. So, Let’s have some insights over “How a leader could be responsible in the rise and fall of the organization?”

Style of a leader


Before diving in details let’s go through the traditional perspective of what leadership is? Leadership is the personality trait of an individual through which a He / She can collaborate and enthusiast his / her team members in achieving a common minimum objective in line with the respective organization objectives.

Leadership qualities

There are several qualities as well which are required in a leader in order to manage these objectives. Some of the important qualities among the many are like emotional intelligence, trustworthy communicator, situational leadership and free from ego.

Now coming over to the point that what are these qualities? and how these qualities make them responsible for the rise and fall of the organization? Let’s take a look over these qualities one by one.

Emotional Intelligence

An individual is required to be emotionally intelligent as a leader instead of emotionally stable. Now, what is emotional intelligence? and how it is different from being emotional stable? For that, let’s first understand that what is emotional stable? Being emotional stable is to have same kind of reaction in every situation. It means, whether there is usual situation or the disastrous one, you are reacting same in both the situations. on the other hand, being emotional intelligent is to react as per the requirement of the situation.

In simple terms, being emotional intelligent is to share the feelings of your team members in their way. It means that, if you are emotional intelligent enough, you are understanding the feelings and concern of your team in their ways. Therefore, you are trying to resolve the same and leading to the happiness of the team. This will help you in achieving the objectives in a better way. On the contrary, in the opposite case, you are familiar with the situation.

Trustworthy Communicator

An individual is also required to be effective communicator as a leader instead of just data provider. Effective communication is the transfer of the required information with emotions to the team. It requires to first understand that from whole set of data, what is the that information, which is required to be passed further. Moreover, the whole data may be divided in several forms of information as per the intended recipient.

When such information will be communicated to the intended recipient, the recipient or in general the team would have trust over such communication. In simple way, if you have gained the trust of your team as a captain of the team, you will definitely achieve your objectives in a better way.

Situational Leadership

This quality is somewhat complimentary to the emotional intelligence. It means that, situational leadership is to act according to the situation. As a captain, it is important to understand that your decisions affect the working of the teams in a large way. Therefore, the decisions should be taken on the basis of the judgement of the situation and its impact on the organization as whole.

Let’s understand this with an example from the great epic Ramayana. I hope, everyone is aware about the situation, जब लक्ष्मण जी को मेघनाद ने वीर घातिनी शक्ति द्वारा मूर्छित कर दिया था और यह देखकर सभी चिंतित थे की श्री राम भगवान होते हुए भी विवश हैं। और लंका के राजवैद्य ने जो उपाय बताया भी था वो इतना कठिन था कि किसी को उसके पूर्ण होने पर विश्वास नहीं था। यहाँ पर हनुमान जी कि भूमिका एक situational लीडर की तरह थी जिन्होंने परिस्थिति और सामर्थ्य को भांपकर उस उपाय को पूरा किया। and after that what happened? You all are also aware of that.

I hope, now, you got the point that how the situational leadership acts in the times of crisis and help in achieving the organizational objectives.

Free from Ego

Being free from ego or in general detachedness is one of the most important quality of a leader. Sometimes, as a captain, you feel that the employees of your organization are not in favour of you or blaming you for some disastrous situation. You may also feel that how one can blame you entirely for the consequences, even when you are also bounded by some other situations.

Under such situations, as a leader, you are not required to take things on your personal ego. Instead, you may try to talk with them. This will help you in understanding the situation in a better way and look over some other ways for better results in the benefit of the organization.

Conclusive remarks

Now, I hope, you are much aware about these important qualities. Moreover, you can also realise now that how a leadership could be responsible in the rise and fall of the organization?

So, What do you think? Are the leaders responsible for the rise and fall of the organizations? Share your views in comments section. Also share this on your social media metworks, if you like.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

2 thoughts on “4 Ways – How a leader could be responsible in the rise and fall of the organization?”

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