Online learning – Causing stress in 21st Century


Online learning – a popular term in the times of covid – 19 among the students and faculties across the world. Have you ever thought that, if this situation wouldn’t happened, had we used online platforms for teaching and learning in this way? Well, think or not, reality is that we as academicians are using these platforms for sharing the knowledge in terms of classes, webinars and live interactions etc. Moreover, the institutions are also assessing their students through these platforms. Now, the question is that are we enough comfortable in using these platforms as compared to the traditional ones? In this article, I am trying to answer this question in terms of “stress in online learning”.

Traditional and Online learning

Now, to understand this topic in detail, first go through the difference between traditional and online learning. As this difference will let you clearly understand that “why the stress is much in online learning”.

1. Starting with, in traditional learning, you as a learner are required to go to a particular campus i.e your school / college. Then, you attend your classes as per the schedule in a particular classroom. While, in online learning, you are sitting in a particular small area with in your room with your device i.e. laptop / mobile etc. attending your online classes.

2. In traditional learning, you, in your classroom, are physically surrounded by your classmates. While, in online learning, you are all alone. However, you are interacting virtually with them through the chat box of learning platform or may be using audio and video of your device.

3. In traditional learning, you observe that it is much comfortable to ask questions from your instructor. While, in online learning, it is little bit complex to ask questions. On the other hand, instructors also find it comfortable to answer queries in traditional mode as compared to the online mode. Moreover, the instructors can also handle the queries of most of the learners comfortably in traditional way as compared to the online one.

4. In traditional platform, you are required to sit in a physical environment to learn thereby there is no or very less need of digital devices. While, in online platforms, you are required to continuously interact through the digital devices such as mobile / laptops etc. Therefore, there are chances that you will feel pain in eyes due to continuous interaction with your device. These chances are more with the small screen devices like mobile phones as compared to the large screen devices such as tablets / laptops.

Stress during online learning

5. In online learning, as you are working from home. There are chances that you end up messing between “work from home and work of home”. While, in traditional learning, this is not true as you are far from your home for the duration of your institute timing.

6. In online learning, there might also be interruptions due to the issues of internet and technology. While, in traditional learning, this is not the case.

7. In online learning, as there is no single learning management system. Therefore, most of the time learners gets confused while switching from one LMS to another LMS while understanding their standard operating procedures. However, this case is more as only few of the learners were familiar with the different LMS before Covid – 19. While, in traditional learning, there is no such case as you are in your physical classroom being taught by your teacher.

Stress in online learning

Now, as you have got enough idea over the differences between the traditional and online learning. I hope, you are little bit comfortable in understanding that “why the stress is much in online learning”.

As “Learning through surroundings at the moment gives you a broader perspective”. Therefore, traditional learning gives you the chance to learn through interaction with the surroundings in a natural way at the moment. While, not having a standardised LMS, safety concerns with some of the LMS, messing up between “Work from Home and Work of Home” are some of the reasons for causing stress in online learning environment. However, I believe that not being able to interact with the surrounding in a natural way at the moment is one of the foremost reasons of causing stress amidst online learning.

Managing stress in online learning

But, as you also know, the online work is the need of the time especially in times of crisis like covid – 19. So, what to do? How to avoid this stress? Well, if you are really serious to know the answer, then go through the following points;

1. First of all, differentiate between “Work from Home and Work of Home”. Make a proper routine of all the activities and stick to it firmly. Self-control & Discipline helps you in the same.

2. Try to use the large screen devices instead of small screen devices for online learning. Also try to sit in a straight posture while interacting through these devices.

3. Try to communicate with your classmates, colleagues and surroundings in general and discuss about the learnings / issues over phone. They might help you in the same or atleast will help you in lowering down your mental stress.

4. Also try to interact / discuss the issues with your family members and learn from their learning as well. They will also help you in lowering down the stress level.

5. Try to walk (with in home as the situation demands Stay Home, Stay Safe) a little / wash your eyes as you find time between your online schedules. Being away from your digital world for a while will make you feel relaxed.

6. You can also meditate to lower down your stress level.

As “Change and learning both are complimentary”. So, “Learn to learn with change” as this is the only way to be updated with the universe………….


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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