coomunication skills

4 Important Tips to Boost your Communication Skills for Career Growth

Communication…. Is it really a barrier??

You know the majority of human beings face failure or are not able to grow in their career because of communication skills. Now the question arises is whether it is a barrier or whether we as human beings are habitual to it. The point which comes up is that most people generally get trapped in their comfort zone, and hence a barrier is created.

Let’s read forward to learn more about it and its related aspects, which are crucial for career growth of an individual.

What is this communication?

We all might have read or heard different definitions of communication, but what exactly is it? How to make use of this communication power?

“Sending and receiving signals or information through various channels constitutes the process of communication (written words, nonverbal cues, spoken words). We also use it to establish and reshape interpersonal connections.” This is another set of words describing communication.

But to make it easy and usable few things I am going to share.


It is nothing but conveying our own thoughts in a simple manner to another party in such a way that they understand the information you are trying to pass on to them.

Communication and its relevance

A skill that every individual should pursue. Communication that one single skill that can help in resolving big issues, job negotiations, better job opportunities, creating networks, achieving success, bringing a change in society, and many others. It is related to various fields; in fact, it is a part of our daily routine. The fact is to possess and use it effectively.

Communication and individual

Developing curiosity is very crucial for communication. Just like a child, 3-12 years of age have the sense of knowing everything; whatever their elders are doing, or they are observing or doing themselves, they want to know everything. But once we enter the age of adolescence, we start thinking about the perception of others. This should be avoided. This habit of a child should continue forever if one wants to succeed in life.

Asking questions and conveying own thoughts can lead an individual to achieve milestones. Having persuasive communication skills can help an individual have different opportunities right after the 12th class. Communicating things rightly can help an individual solve problems not only in their personal but professional lives as well.

Four Important Areas for Development

Here, I am going to mention 4 important areas which you can work upon to develop great communication skills.


The key area for development is listening. Listening and hearing are two different things. One should not just hear but also listen to it, which means understanding what the other party is trying to convey. Always try to understand the message the other person is conveying with the help of words, body language, etc., and then react. Reacting without understanding the message properly may lead to misunderstanding, which can even lead to unnecessary conflicts.

The study of and comprehension of nonverbal communication:

Non-verbal communication again is an important element in the field of communication. Majorly the problem of non-verbal communication arises in its written format because facial expressions, body movements, or other cues are not visible. Non-verbal part sometimes even conveys those messages which an individual wants to hide or does not want to share. So, one has to be very careful while expressing non-verbally. Sometimes, even because of cultural differences, the misinterpretation of non-verbal communication is done.

Emotional Intelligence and Control:

It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that everything at work needs to be fair and that any emotion is improper. We are, nevertheless, untidy and emotional because we are human. We should not and cannot strive to leave our feelings at home. But that doesn’t mean we should just “let it all hang out.” However, by being conscious of emotions, both positive and negative, communication can be improved.

Questioning Skills:

This skill is inbuilt into all human beings. But this should also be done after the proper understanding of the other person’s message. First, understand what exactly the opposite party wants to convey, and then for further clarity, ask questions. Never ever think that the question is silly, and people will laugh at it or mock you. Just go ahead and ask the question to make better clarity of things.

Communication, Career Growth

Communication and Career

Being the fuel for the workplace engine, It is almost impossible to underestimate the importance of excellent communication skills to the success of an organization.

Maintaining effective working connections is a challenge at all organizational levels. Employees who have open channels of communication and mutual respect are more likely to be productive and have higher levels of morale.

The productivity of employees is also enhanced when they feel free to convey the message through an open channel or flexible channel of communication. They feel that they are important to the company, and then they treat themselves as an asset of the company rather than a liability. From the organization’s side, communication channel should not be very rigid and complex as it demotivates the employees.

Effective Communication in the Workplace

There are only a few ways to communicate effectively at work, despite the fact that you will utilize various communication techniques in various situations.

Be clear and concise:

Making your communication as succinct as clear as you can lower the likelihood of misconceptions, speeds up initiatives, and makes it easier for individuals to understand your objectives. Practice distilling your message to its essence rather than using long, complicated sentences. Even if giving context is helpful, it is important to simply give the information that is really necessary while trying to express your idea, instruction, or message.

Create empathy:

Knowing your co-worker’s opinions, feelings, and goals will help you communicate with them more effectively. For instance, you could need help from other departments to start a project. If the person from another department is not in favor of helping you, there is a high chance that creating a sense of empathy will make them think twice about their decision, and then their response can be turned into a positive response.

Be assured:

You may need to be aggressive at times to accomplish your goals, whether you’re asking for a raise, looking into project prospects, or rejecting a suggestion you don’t think will be helpful. Despite the fact that speaking with confidence is crucial for business, you should always treat other people with respect. People will be more receptive to your ideas if you maintain a level voice and back up your claims with reason.

Use and comprehend body language:

Body language is a significant part of communication in the workplace. Pay close attention to the clues that others give off with their actions and the looks on their faces. Additionally, be aware of whatever messages your body language might be intentionally or unconsciously expressing.

Communication skills, how to improve communication


The beauty of communication is that it can be learned at any stage of life. It is just an activity that an individual has to bring into practice in personal as well as professional life. And slowly and gradually, it will turn into a habit.

In the end, it can be said that communication is a very simple and easy process. It is an activity we start right from birth. Only the mode or method changes as we grow up or as per the requirement. Communicating effectively can an individual to great heights. The only thing an individual has to do is break the bars and start communicating with others. Keep on learning how smoothly one can convey the message to others. Effective communication is a very vital activity that should be taught from the early stage of life to meet later requirements.

Want to know more about improving your communication skills and having an exponential career growth, Click here to Book your FREE Consultation Call with our Head Mentor

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Wishing you all a splendid and exponentially growing career journey ahead.

1 thought on “4 Important Tips to Boost your Communication Skills for Career Growth”

  1. Hi administrator, Your posts are always well-supported and evidence-based.

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