The contours of life-amazing!!! by gitanjali thiyagrajan

The contours of life-amazing!!!

Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts as rightly said by Winston Churchill, we should never let success get to our head and never let failure get to the heart.

My cousin Pragya inspired me greatly and I had learnt a beautiful art of livelihood from her experience. I had witnessed one such incident in her life, Last year when Pragya’s maternal uncle returned from the USA, he gifted her a huge box of her favorite dark chocolates consisting of at least 500 chocolate. She was elated and stored them safely in the refrigerator. She never used to share them with the fear of losing them.

She ate those chocolates with great amount of pride and satisfaction. She used to grab four to five every time and ate happily. With passing time, the quantity of chocolates got reduced and she turned unhappy each day. Her sadness increased day by day looking into the chocolate container and she started eating one in three days and finally the day had arrived when the last chocolate was left in the jar and she ate it with a heavy heart and said, “Bye bye chocolate, I will always miss you”.

A few months later when she was diagnosed with viral fever accompanied by cold and cough, the doctor prescribed her  herbal syrup which was extremely bitter and had a pungent odor. The mother was told to give her the medicine three times a day after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Pragya hated this medicine. Her mother used to make delicious food so that she can give her the bitter medicine too. Pragya loved the food but hated when the turn of having the syrup comes. She counted days, she used to look sadly into the bottle every day and was eagerly waiting to see it getting completed. With days passing, the quantity kept reducing in the long bottle kept on the cupboard. And finally the day arrived when the mother opened the bottle and the bitter, liquid syrup had just few final drops left in it. Pragya’s happiness knew no bounds and she jumped with joy.

The dark chocolate which was very much likable gave happiness initially but gave sadness towards the end while the bitter syrup which she hated initially gave her happiness towards the end. The chocolates gave a great sense of happiness while having it while the bitter syrup depresses us. The social message which I got from her experience is, our life is a combination of such chocolates and bitter syrups.

Everything in the universe is symmetric including our own body. Therefore success and failures in life are symmetric too. Let’s imagine if God has planned 50 success and 50 failures in our lives, everyone is destined to face them, some face it initially and some face it at a later stage of life.

Here in this context success are like the chocolates and failures are like the bitter liquid syrup. We should be worried when the chocolates are getting over and feel elated while consuming the bitter medicines. If we are failing in life ,our quantity of the bitter syrup is reducing, we are left with only fewer drops.  Feel happy for the failures or worries in life as once its over, we are left with happiness or success alone. Hence face the bad times boldly and don’t be afraid of losing or failing. The more the number of failures the higher you are left with the occurrences of success destined to us.  It is our mindset to grab the right attitude. We need to celebrate success while facing it whereas celebrate failure while its leaving us.

Looking at the current scenario of the killer Covid Worldwide, we have lost many lives and health of our near and dear ones. God is testing us by giving a higher dosage of the bitter liquid syrup. This time would also pass by .We need to inculcate the right attitude to face the situation by never loosing hope.  The day is not far when people will have office bags instead of oxygen cylinder on their shoulders, there will be school vans not ambulance in the street, there will be bat and ball instead of carom and ludo in hands ,the crowd will be at tea stall not in medical shops,  we will hug everyone wholeheartedly, will smile again after burying the bitter memories  and will tell the world bowing down, “WE ARE BACK”.

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