Vocal for Local, Atmanirbhar Bharat – New hopes in 2021


To be the vocal for local is a buzz word now a days. However, many of us were familiar with the term earlier as well and in some cases, we also practiced it. But the importance of this term has increased a lot now a days as our honourable prime minister has mentioned in his speech to the nation. Moreover, The importance of this term has also been felt these days due to the circumstances raised amidst lockdown. So, let’s have a look at what it takes in being the vocal for local……..

Being the vocal for local…….

So, what are those circumstances, which makes you realise the importance of vocal for local? But before diving in to the answer, let’s understand the meaning of term “being the vocal for local”? In simple terms, it is to support the society surrounding you in every way and be the driver of economy. Now, what kind of support, I am talking about? Here, I am talking about supporting the businesses, helping the community around you and many other similar initiatives. When you support the community around you in such ways, the community will start flourishing.

Now, as per the psychology, that you are always influenced by the branding of businesses initially not by the quality / other features but by the person who promotes such businesses. It means, if you admire the person, who promotes the business, you start following that business as well.

On the other hand, if someone from the surrounding near you comes with the idea of a new business. You don’t feel comfortable in supporting him as their business is not being promoted by those big names, whom you admire. However, I am not mentioning this as wrong but I wanted to point out something interesting from here. Moreover, this is not true in every case, I am talking about the general case.

Importance of local

Now, before going through this interesting part, I want to take the question that what makes you realise the importance of vocal for local amidst lockdown? You might have noticed that, in this time of lockdown, whenever you felt the requirement of essentials / any other thing, you have preferred your local shops / nearby community for the same. The biggest tragedy, you have seen in terms of those pictures, that migrant labours are going back to their local place by covering thousands of miles either through their cycles, rickshaws or even barefoot.

Moreover, this was happening even after the message of our honourable prime minister that stay, wherever you are in order to be safe from this pandemic. Now, the question is that why it was so? Even, here the matter was not of trust over the message of the honourable prime minister. The matter was that they were not feeling supportive in that situation. The same situation is with those, who were migrated to other nations due to one or other reasons.

The situation of lack of support and trust might be due to the fear of losing their jobs. This also might be due to non-availability of essentials after the little hard savings gets over and many other things. Here the important and interesting point is that they don’t felt the sense of belongingness from their workplace once the company gets closed due to this lockdown.

It means, once they were not able to work due to the global pandemic situation, the responsibility of their workplace towards them gets over. Now, at this time what their employers could do? or what the leadership at those companies could do? That is another question and to go through some insights over this question, go through the leadership lessons amidst covid 19.

Vocal of local

Interesting Conclusion

Now coming to that interesting part, which I had mentioned in the previous paragraph. The interesting part is that, during this lockdown, they understood the importance of their local surrounding. Because they have the feeling of belongingness with them not the fear of losing something. Moreover, they also felt that, with the aspirations they had migrated from their local place they will get or not, but they will definitely get the support in this tough time from their local environment.

Now, I think, everyone got the point that why being the vocal for local is necessary and emphasised much during this time? Because the immediate support, especially in such disastrous situation, you will get from your local place. Now, if you are thinking that for the present situation, everything is not available at local level. So, what to do? The answer is, I hope your basic needs are being fulfilled locally and if necessary, use the global one’s. But, if you will not start developing the local today, you will end with the same situation tomorrow as well.

Moreover, every global was once the local. It was the support of the society which made that global. Therefore, be the vocal for local and flourish the community.

So, How are you contributing for the dream of Atmanirbhar Bharat to become true? Have you started to be the vocal for local now? What are your thoughts? What is your action plan? Share your views with us in the comments section.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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