Boycotting Chinese Products – Would it be helpful in 21st century?

In the age of internet and rapid changes being happened worldwide, does it make sense in boycotting chinese products? How this decision will help in boosting the economy of the nation? Understand the narrative in boycotting chinese products from the common man view point.


Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic as it has shown the several faces of the community to the community. People are struggling for their jobs; brands are struggling for their survival and many are struggling hard even for their basic needs. The entire community is watching the whole scenario and planning for the way ahead. The several sessions are also being held to discuss the scenario and survival in such situations. But the topic, which I am going to narrate today, is the buzz word of the social world. The topic for today’s narration is “Boycotting Chinese Products – Narrative from the common man view point”.

Boycotting Chinese Products

Journey of boycotting Chinese products

At this point, I want to make a note that this is not for the first time that this topic has made its place in the social world. Every time, whenever we observed the heated conversation between both countries (China and India) either in direct way or indirect way, we start to raise our voice for boycotting the Chinese products. Here, my meaning from direct way is, when both are involved directly at border or political conversation. While, from indirect way my meaning is when India is directly involved with other country regarding different issues (as the case is with Pakistan) and in such cases China interrupts in between.

Boycotting Chinese Products in current situaion

However, this case is different from the previous in one way. That way is, as this pandemic has hampered the economy of the nation or even the whole world at large. More, being known to everyone that the source of this pandemic is from China, this voice against their products has even become larger than ever. This is how the whole spectrum of feelings have generated for the issue – Boycotting Chinese Products

Now, coming to the main point through several questions. The questions are – does boycotting chinese products will solve all the problems? Is this voice against the Chinese products for short term or long term? If this is for short term, then what is the use of it? More, if this is for long term then is only raising voice sufficient or something more needs to be done? Additionally, is this voice just a show case for being vocal of local as our honourable prime minister has mentioned it? Or something more? So, I am putting my narrative from the common man view point. Hope, it will make you realize the reality.

Narrative of boycott from common man perspective

Case 1

Starting with, mere saying or raising voice to boycott never makes sense. Let’s understand this with these cases. First case, for a moment assume that you have boycotted every Chinese product. So, what next? In case of the similar requirement again, have you any alternative? If yes, it’s fine. If no, have you developed or trying to develop such facilities around you? Now, if you have developed, are they of same quality and fits to everyone pocket?

Case 2

The second case, can you boycott using those products, which are still at your home. I hope, the answer would be obviously no, as you have purchased them already. So, leave this case here only.

Case 3

Now, the third case, after boycotting all these products, the sale will definitely go down for the same. So, what about those Indian fellows, who are directly or indirectly involved with these products? These fellows could be – heading the plants of these products, working in the manufacturing unit, involved in sales and marketing and many more related ones. So, what about their employment or family responsibilities. Even many of the Chinese products like toys, crockeries, accessories and festive ones are so accessible to the market in terms of cost and other factors. So, what about those, who are earning be selling them?

Case 4

The fourth point, I hope, you all have noticed this in a more common way. Even after raising so much voice against the Chinese products, whenever the online sale flashes for the same, we Indians don’t leave any chance to grab it. More, the biggest irony is that, after grabbing that sale, we again start to raise our voice against these products. I hope, now you got the whole idea about the intentions.

Representation image for online sale

Last Case

Lastly, if this voice raising is after the message of our honourable prime minister for being vocal of local. So, in my opinion, being vocal of local is not merely to boycott the global, it is much more than that. For additional readings over the same, read being vocal of local.

So, What next?

So, as of now, I hope all the questions as mentioned above has been answered. What next? Next, if you are serious about boycotting the Chinese products, do it. But before that try to develop the similar capacities in order to address the market issues.

Take care of your health, stay pleasant, be productive.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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