Society and Culture

Marketing Strategies, Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behaviour – Impacting the Marketing Strategies of Businesses and helping them make more money in 21st century?

Consumer behaviour is an integral part of any marketing strategy. This is what attracts the consumer’s decisions and how they react to different stimuli. Understanding consumer behaviour helps a company manage the demand for their products and services to appeal to the needs and wants of the target market accordingly. What is Consumer Behaviour? It […]

Consumer Behaviour – Impacting the Marketing Strategies of Businesses and helping them make more money in 21st century? Read More »


Secret Revealed for Engineering – declining interest among students in 21st century

Wakeup management, it’s time to improve the quality of education in the engineering colleges. Engineering, once the most favourite and dream career path of the young generation is slowly losing its charm. Today, many students are no longer willing to take up this as their career path. The main reason behind this is the poor

Secret Revealed for Engineering – declining interest among students in 21st century Read More »


How is technology assisting people in living a meaningful and comfortable life in 21st century?

Technology has become an essential part of our life. We can’t even imagine surviving in this rapidly changing world without technology. Even the pandemic has taught us how important technology is for our lives. It helps the people stay connected, work, learn new things, and get exposure to multiple new things going around us. There

How is technology assisting people in living a meaningful and comfortable life in 21st century? Read More »


6 Points to relieve your stress and have a better work life balance in today’s scenario of Work from Home

Feeling stressed in your work will make you lose your confidence, become angry and irritable. Getting stressed is sometimes good as it makes us to work more and complete the things with in the time. But when it exceeds your ability to cope up with it, it stops being helpful and causes damage to our

6 Points to relieve your stress and have a better work life balance in today’s scenario of Work from Home Read More »

11 ways for Students to Manage Stress and Perform better in their Career Journey

Stress, is it helpful or harmful? Generally, we consider stress as a negative factor that harms our day-to-day life, right? But it is not true in every situation. We can also use it to achieve our goals efficiently. It could even play a beneficial and essential role in our life. The adrenaline that comes when

11 ways for Students to Manage Stress and Perform better in their Career Journey Read More »

National Education Policy 2020 – All you need to Know

Preamble Education, being the most important aspect in the development of any society or nation, always requires to have a policy. This policy, being the fundamental document, usually helps the administrating/governing bodies to implement the fundamental right of education in society. More, this implementation should be in a way that would make an individual capable

National Education Policy 2020 – All you need to Know Read More »

“Adversity in to Opportunities” or “Opportunities in to Adversity”?

Preamble There is a very well saying that “where there is an adversity, there is an opportunity”. Now it depends on the individual that how you are going to make of it? At the same time, if you are not careful in your decisions then it may also be opposite of it. Even the chances

“Adversity in to Opportunities” or “Opportunities in to Adversity”? Read More »

Mental health – Why it is becoming the topic of concern in 21st Century

Preamble Mental health – have you ever talked about this, I say, before 10 or 15 years, the way we are talking now? Atleast, I have not heard this way. Now, the question is why we are talking about this too much at this time? What made this the talk of the town? So, let’s

Mental health – Why it is becoming the topic of concern in 21st Century Read More »

3 secrets from covid-19 to keep environment pollution free post covid-19

Cleaned Rivers, visibile mountains, fresh air, less or no pollution……. many more such improvements, we have observed in the environment during this lockdown. Are you surprised to see that how all this has happned and that too without much efforts? If yes, then, know the 3 secrets to keep environment pollution free. Preamble During this

3 secrets from covid-19 to keep environment pollution free post covid-19 Read More »

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