Leadership in 21st century – Challenging road towards greatness


Leader, usually when we thought of this word, we come in our mind with the pictures of great super heroes who comes and rescues everyone in the times of disaster. In other words, they always work for the prosperity and happiness of the community. We always think that, they are blessed with super powers to do everything. Even sometimes, we also think that they had no challenges in their life. Therefore, whenever we face any bad situation, we always look forward to them to seek help. But as leaders are also humans by birth like us, they also have the challenges like us. We are hereby addressing the same concern through this article as Challenges in being a leader….


Before diving in details let’s go through the traditional perspective of what leadership is? Leadership is the personality trait of an individual through which they can collaborate and enthusiast his / her team members in achieving a common minimum objective in line with the respective organization objectives.

There are several qualities, which needs to be in a leader in order to manage these objectives. Some of the important qualities among the many are like emotional intelligence, trustworthy communicator, situational leadership and free from ego.

Challenges in being a leader

Now coming to the main point of the article and that is the challenges in being a leader. As this is true that any organization has to cope up with the consequences of the decisions taken by its top leadership. But their decisions are also based on their judgement of the situation and its impact on the organization as whole. Now, when the situations are usual, everything happens usually. But as I have said in one of my articles that “the tough situations are to test the potential of an individual”. The same case is with the leadership.

Leadership, tough situation quotes
tough situation

Leadership in Covid 19

In order to understand the whole view of the same, let’s take the example of present situation of covid 19. As you all are aware with the criticality of this pandemic situation. So, let’s start understanding the scenario sequentially with respect to India. Initially the two options were there before the leadership. First option was that country should run as usual with some advisories and precautions so that economy will not affect. While the second option was that the country should be locked down completely.

But in the second option, there were several questions as well like what about daily essentials, medical, security, financial services, media and most importantly the economy? Now, as I hope, you know the answer.

Addressing the challenges

There were also several challenges like addressing the concern of daily wage migrated workers, non-availability of medical essentials like PPE kits and N95 masks, addressing the non-supportive element of the nation and many others during this lockdown. These challenges were also being addressed by the administration and the society in their own ways.

But the biggest challenge came in terms of worries of the migrated peoples. The biggest worry of them was to get back to their local place due to one or other reasons. The criticality of the same could be understood with the fact that many of them even started their journeys to their local place through their cycles, rickshaws and worst case was barefoot. Therefore, the decision was taken to send them back through buses, trains and flights.

So, what happened? The graph of infected peoples from covid 19 has started increasing very rapidly. On the other hand, if this would not have been done, what about those worries? Still there are plenty of migrant workers who are compelled to travel barefoot for thousands of miles. Moreover, in this journey, what challenges they are facing, I hope, you all are familiar with.


There are several other challenges as well in front of the country leadership. However, the country leadership is taking its decisions as per their judgement of real time situation. But, understanding the real time situation and supporting each other in this tough time is also the duty of every individual.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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