Crisis, team management

5 smart ways for Team Management during Crisis like Covid – 19

The global COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the companies to manage their operations and businesses. There has been an enormous change in the business in a very short span of time, and the management needs to adapt this change to focus on their main objective in long run. Team management has also became a challenge for the leaders during this crisis

This crisis has affected every stakeholder in any organization, it may be top management, middle management, or employees, suppliers, customers, manufacturers or any other stakeholder. And it has made it really difficult for the management to align the changing requirements of these stakeholders with the objective of the company. Even if the employees are working from home, it is difficult for the leaders to do effective team management to always motivate them to work as the situation itself is very stressful.

Since an organization always works in many departmental teams working together on any project, communication becomes an important key for their smooth functioning. And this pandemic has made it really difficult for the organization to facilitate clear communication among the team members. So, here the question arrives that how should the management tackle this situation? How should the leaders facilitate team management? Because thing would not return to prepandemic era any soon, rather we need to move on with this new normal.

crisis, team management

5 smart ways to Team Management during Crisis

These are the 5 smart ways that you as a leader can use to manage your team in the best way.

Focus on the main objective of the organization: the pandemic has deviated many organizations from their ultimate goal or motive because of the enumerous financial and other kind of challenges being faced by them. The management should ensure that these problems do not deviate themselves from their motive. They should remind this to their stakeholders as well.

Framework for clear and continuous communication: As we know communication is the backbone for fighting this battle, the management should ensure that they have a concrete framework for inter and intra departmental communication across the organization. It should also be ensured that all the communication are being made with transparency and clarity for the better outcome from the specific situation.

Motivating employees and understanding their requirements and needs: Since the situation has been stressful for all of us, the management should also consider their employee’s needs as their top priority. They should cater to their needs not just the financial needs but also emotional, and needs for belongingness. They should try to have regular conversations with their teams and make them feel that they are not being left out in such uncertain situations. This will increase their productivity which will help the organization in long run.

Giving work flexibility to the employees: As many of the employees are working from home, it becomes really typical for them to manage their work-life balance as there is a huge change in their working environment. The leaders must consider this as an extraordinary situation and make sure that they are not going under stress just beacuse of the pressure at work. The management should give them flexible working hours, this would further help them to reduce their stress.

Providing counselling services: Many employees are stressed either due to their personal problem or work life problem in this pandemic. Providing them a counselling service from the organization side would help the employees solve their issues and they can focus more on their work.

This are some of the tips any organization/startup can use to lead their organization in a better way. Hope, this article has provided you some value. For more clarification on this topic, feel free to contact us

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