Psychometric tests – one of the great tools for making career decision in 21st century

Psychometric tests are one of those great tools, which help an individual make wise and informed decisions during their career.


In our previous article, I have focused much on answering “How to choose” rather than “what to choose” while going through the stage of confusion in making the right career decision. As the latter forces you to dive into the sea of diverse career options even without knowing yourself, the former lets you dive into your inner self and then make the right decision based on your own knowledge about yourself. If you are comfortable with the steps given in the previous article and their outcome, I think, it’s good. Otherwise, go through this article to learn about the effectiveness of psychometric tests in the right career decision.

This tool will help you to know your interests first. Then, based on them you can comfortably move ahead in making the right career decision by yourself.

Effectiveness of psychometric tests in the right career decision

Psychometric tests are the standard and scientific methods developed to understand the individual’s suitability for a specific role, career or domain. This assessment is done by the different kinds of psychometric tests based on the level and type of questions. The most common type of such tests is based on the questions related to the following domains.

1. Numerical & verbal reasoning

2. Diagrammatic reasoning

3. Situational judgement

4. leadership & managerial skills

5. Personality traits

6. emotional intelligence etc.

Psychometric test in career
Representational Image

These tests judge the individual’s traits based on the answers given by them to the different kinds of questions related to the above domains based on their mental capability and work behaviour. Then, the results of these tests are interpreted in a suitable form as per the requirements.

Now, If the requirement is related to the assessment of an individual for a certain job position. Then, the results are interpreted in terms of the particular job position requirements.

On the other hand, if the requirement is related to the assessment of an individual in choosing the right kind of course options. Then, these results are interpreted in terms of the list of different courses based on the individual’s interest.

However, some tests are only designed to interpret the individual’s personality. This interpretation could be in terms of their openness to the world, leadership skills, emotional intelligence and other factors as well. These kinds of tests reveal the individual’s personality. In general, these tests provide effective results as they are based on the individual’s own answers as per their competency level.

Where to attempt psychometric tests?

Coming to the point, one can attempt these tests to know their inclination towards a specific career. But most of these tests are paid tests. Although, some of the test providers may provide them free of cost but only with basic functionalities. These tests are provided by the different organizations preferably in online mode. However, some organizations provide them in offline mode as well.

Here, I am listing down some of the test providers for your own information. You can visit their websites as well for further information.

1. Idreamcareer – They assess the candidate with their psychometric tool and provide results based on the 16 factors covering the individual’s aptitude, personality and interest. They also provide the reports of these tests in 8 different languages including English and Hindi. They offer separate tests for students at different levels of schooling. These categories include 9th & 10th, 11th & 12th and undergraduates. These tests are part of their counselling services.

2. Univariety – They also assess the candidate with their psychometric tool and provide the tests in different categories such as ideal career test, personality type assessment, engineering branch selector, humanities career selector, commerce career selector etc. They provide these tests as an individual product and part of their counselling services as well.

3. Mindler – They also assess the candidate with their psychometric tool and provide the tests in different categories based on the schooling of the candidate such as 8th & 9th, 10th to 12th and graduates. These tests are part of their counselling services. They also offer free services for these assessments but only with basic functionality.

Want to take one such test, Enquire now


There are many other organizations as well, offering the services of these psychometric tools as well as career counselling. Now, deciding on choosing one among them solely lies on you after exploring the information available on their website. However, I would prefer you to go through the steps mentioned in the previous article for making the decisions related to your career. Still, if you feel that you require the services of such kind of psychometric tests and career counselling, you may go through the above details for the same.

Happy Learning. Best Wishes.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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