
Secret Revealed for Engineering – declining interest among students in 21st century

Wakeup management, it’s time to improve the quality of education in the engineering colleges. Engineering, once the most favourite and dream career path of the young generation is slowly losing its charm. Today, many students are no longer willing to take up this as their career path.

The main reason behind this is the poor quality of educational services that are being provided in the colleges which results in the unemployability of the students after their education. One has to think that, without proper skills and knowledge how can people survive in any field. That is the same thing happening with the students because of the low quality of education by the engineering colleges. The reason behind this is almost everywhere there is a private engineering college which has just become a part of the business with no interest in the student’s future.

So, it’s always advisable to think before selecting the college. As it will be responsible to make or break your career.

Although, if a student has great interest in their chosen stream or domain and utilises the facilities provided by the institution in the best possible manner to nurture their skills and make them their strengths then they can actually get a good job. It doesn’t even matter which stream or domain it is – be it software engineering, civil, mechanical or any other stream. All are equally and critically important for a good economy to grow.

Job Opportunities in Indian Government

Insight to software, civil, mechanical engineering

Coming to software engineering, if one really has great skill and can prove it then one can actually get a great job and even earn in lakhs or crores. In particular, with the rapid change in technology, there is a shortage of software engineers at the cutting edge of research into AI safety. It is also found that software engineers can contribute greatly to work aiming at preventing pandemics and other global catastrophic biological risks as well..

Civil engineering and mechanical engineering both are the oldest and most frequently used areas of engineering. Besides, these domains are the largest employment generator globally. A civil engineer is the backbone of all infrastructure which in turn leads to the development of any country economically and same goes for the mechanical engineers who in turn makes the whole mechanical system and gives mobility to the nation.

Reasons behind the declining interest of youth in engineering

On this note, I would like to tell what is lacking in the students who are coming out of these colleges? In today’s fast moving technological world, everything is being automated with the advancement in technology. So, the world wants people who are able to cope up with technological advancements and mainly who can apply those technological changes in the real world. But, if we see, many of the such professionals who are passing out every year don’t even know the basics of their domain they are from.

This is because of the old techniques and curriculum that is being followed by the engineering colleges. These colleges should change their methodology by which they can produce the engineers with the latest skills and technological knowledge. Only a few colleges are able to produce the employable technician in this large pool of engineering colleges.

engineer while working

Another big reason for decrease in interest towards this is lack of employability. You must be wondering why the students are not getting proper job opportunities. So let me tell you there comes the economic factor of supply and demand. In the past few decades, engineering was the most booming sector in the country, in-fact across the world.

Students were attracted towards engineering in a way that many students chose engineering without even having interest in the domain. This led to a huge number of supply of technician into the market fulfilling the demands initially, but later this over supply led to the shortage of employment opportunities. As the engineering sector boomed, many colleges jumped into this education business without proper infrastructure and curriculum, this led to degradation of the quality education which again led to unemployment in this sector.

Another crucial factor that came into observation is the shift in interest or changing human perception and mentality about education. As it has been a crucial time for everyone to recognise their potential and choose their career wisely. Initially there was a perception or norm in the society that engineering / medical are the only options a studious student should take. But in this rapidly changing world, people’s perception about different aspects of their careers has changed drastically.

Now, students are not expected to follow the preconceived notion of the society, but they are encouraged by the school / teachers / parents to take up a career of their choice, it could be an artist, management, law, sports or many more. Success is no more defined by one’s ability to perform well in engineering / medical. Even the education ministry of India has come with some guidelines to encourage students to take up career streams of their interest / choice.

Finally, I would like to say that engineering is a good career option just like other options and one should take up this as their career if they are really interested in it and not just for the sake of proving themselves. Once it is taken by the interested students, it’s quality and value would come back which has been degrading since the past few years.

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