Leadership – 6 Proven Ways to grow your teams during covid-19

Leadership is facing multiple challenges in managing their businesses during covid-19. They are even struglling hard to motivate their teams during the present situation of covid-19. So, what to do? One option is to wait for conditions to be normal first and then try something. Now, if you are going to do this, believe me, you are already going to loose your business through your teams.

So, the another option is to learn to walk with the changes of the universe. Now, if you are puzzled and thinking that what to learn? Then, I would suggest you to be ready to go through this post to learn the 6 proven ways to grow your teams and business even in crisis of covid-19.

learning lessons, covid-19, leadership
learning lessons, covid-19, leadership


During this tough time of Covid–19, when everyone is being forced to stay at home, one should also learn the several kinds of lessons through this pandemic situation. We have also identified some of these key learning lessons in one of our earlier posts. In this article, I am focusing much on “leadership & team work lessons in the times of crisis like Covid-19”.

Leadership is the attribute of an individual through which Leader can collaborate and enthusiast his / her team members in achieving a common objective in line with the respective organization objectives.

Understanding the businesses with the crisis of Covid-19

General Points

As the businesses are closed down during this crisis. It has changed the whole spectrum of the businesses. However, The respective organizational objectives are still the same like educating the young minds in case of educational institutions, providing the delivery of different kind of products such as lighting, automobile, hardware, garments etc. to the target audience in case of the respective industries / businesses etc.

However, One more objective has also been added and i.e. keeping their employees / stakeholders safe through this crisis. In line with the government regulations and need of the hour, yes, they have shut down their firms in the usual way. But what next? Are their core objectives meeting out with the same?

The answer to the above question can not be given as a perfect yes or no. However, The same could be understood with the explanation of the following points.

Key Points

1. The organizations like educational institutes, IT services and similar ones, which are able to work from home with the aid of internet and technology, are trying to meet their objectives through the same.

2. The organizations like manufacturing firms and similar ones, whose work cannot be done with the aid of internet & technology through work from home, are waiting for normalising the situation and starting of businesses in usual way. However, they are utilising this time in planning of what to do when the situation will be normalised.

Common Points

Now, the common point is that they both are suffering either partially or fully. Now coming to that point over which I wanted to draw the attention of you all, everyone should understand that any organization is not a person / an individual, who will meet out their respective objectives in a stand-alone manner during this time of social distancing. Moreover, this was also not possible earlier.

More, an organization is an entity comprising of several resources like men, machine, material …………. etc. in order to achieve its objectives. Even during this pandemic, the employees are still making extra efforts to achieve the common organization objectives with the help of internet & technology in the first category of organizations as above and those, who are in the second category, are preparing themselves for the time, when the situation would get normalised.

Now, one thing is sure and i.e. no organization can achieve their true objectives without the help of their employees or resources in general. Therefore, It is necessary to understand the importance of their contribution and appreciate them for the same, even more during this crisis when everyone is physically distant from each other.

Leadership lessons

Here, the responsibility of those, who are in the leadership role, gets increased. Hence, they should take care of the same with the help of the following points;

1. The members are the real strengths of the teams being the key player in achieving the organizational objectives.

2. The leaders should make communications to understand their team’s issues and try to resolve in a better way as possible.

3. The leaders should appreciate the efforts being made by the teams during such situations as no one was familiar with such situations before. Moreover, such appreciations will boost their morals.

4. The leaders should also communicate and discuss the organizational issues with the teams in order to make effective communication and understanding of the situation.

5. As leaders are also humans, teams should also understand their issues and try to help each other for better and effective outcomes.

6. The leaders should be emotionally intelligent in order to connect with the emotions of the team members and support them in a way as deemed fit.


The same is true for the organizations like media houses, medical & healthcare services, essential items services, security services etc. Therefore, while working in an organization everyone should treat it like a family and be treated as family members.

As in case of family, each and every one grows with the support of each and every one, the same is with the organizations. Moreover, understand that, independence also means having interdependencies with each other.

Leadership, learning lessons
Leadership, learning lessons

So, What leadership lessons you are going to follow? Share your views with us in the comment section. Also recommend these lessons to your network on social media to help them grow their teams and businesses.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

1 thought on “Leadership – 6 Proven Ways to grow your teams during covid-19”

  1. Pingback: Leadership - Avoid these 9 Mistakes to get succeed in your leadership journey? - एक बदलाव बेहतर जीवन के लिए

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