My Family, My Responsibility

My Family, My Responsibility

Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” – Mahatma Gandhi

During this pandemic, everyone is worried about their own problems and feels that other’s problems are nothing in front of theirs. But the reality is that some issues are a very big right now. My story is also something similar to those burning issues. My name is Saanvi Agarwal, live in New Delhi and I am a Doctor, have a son named Aryan and a daughter named Anya. They both are my sweet little sugarplums. During this pandemic, I was hardly able to go to my home as had to take care of the patients out there in the hospital. People think that all the frontline workers are helping us as it is their job and they want to help others. That’s 100% true but there’s also one more reason and that is that we also think about our families. We all treat our patients as our family to save our other family as if we are able to find the cure of this pandemic then we will be able to keep our little ones safe. But while this we are not able to meet them. But that doesn’t stop me or anyone else. Today, I am going to tell you my story.

When the pandemic started, the first thing I thought that this is going to end soon. But I was wrong. Soon many problems started to rise during this time. One of those was the education of kids. The schools got closed and then online classes started for all the kids. Anya said “I think this is going to be so boring as we will not be able to meet our friends. We won’t be even going out to play in the parks, do you know that if this will continue then all the kids will get lazy”. Aryan said “you are right sis, now there is no one there who can play with us.” But then I said “Kids, I know you are A little disappointed but do you know that now because of this we will be able to spend more time with each other. We will have so much fun.” Anya said “OMG! I didn’t think about it that way, we will get to know each other even better.  I felt happy that they understood. But after around two weeks, they gave me a surprise that they had saved enough money that they bought a new laptop for themselves and they returned the one that I had given them as a gift. That moment was such a wonderful thing to remember. I was really happy. But then soon another problem rose and that was that the corona cases started to increase and my shift from 8am-9:30pm changed to 24/7. I didn’t get time to meet or to talk to my family. It was the hardest thing for me to do but I had no other option. But the worst situation that occurred was when I got a call from Anya and she said “Hello mom, I have bad news, Aryan is not feeling well. I called dad and he said he is coming home. Please tell what to do.” I said her “ask your dad to get some medicines for him. Tell him I am sending him the names of them.” She said “Ok”. Anya and her dad were facing too many hurdles during this.

 I was too much worried about Aryan so one day, luckily

got half day from the hospital so dashed back to my home just to find that Aryan is having high fever and was having too much weakness.

I came back to the hospital and after three days got to know that Aryan is getting better felt so happy at that moment that I can’t express it. The first 3-4 months, were fine. But then, there was a huge problem. One day my husband called me and said “Saanvi, I lost my job. Due to the loss that my company was facing, they decided to fire some of their employees.” It was a huge matter of worriedness as now it was a little hard for us to maintain our daily expenses of our house. We then made it clear that we will not unnecessarily spend money on things which don’t have that much of a requirement. My husband started finding for another job.  After around a month, he was again called back at his old company. It was finally a relief for us. Then one day, luckily a got a holiday for a week from the hospital. So went to my home happy as finally after such a long time was able to spend time with my family. When I reached home, Aryan stood behind the cupboard, Anya sat behind the sofa and my husband stood the door and when I entered in house, they all said “Welcome Back Home”!! I was so delighted seeing everyone so happy. Then went to sanitize myself post that talk to my family. Aryan said “I missed you so much mom, now the first thing you will do is cook food for me. For the time being, we will eat your handmade food.” I said “definitely sweetheart.” Anya said “Mom promise me that you will play with me and help me with my homework.” I replied “Sure Anya.” It was the happiest day of my life. It was such an amazing week for me that I could never forget it.

So, you see, if there are sad moments in life then there are happy ones too. Every time when they come, we just need to cherish them and you will see that life is so beautiful.

Now I will end my story here. Hoping that I would be able to share one more amazing experience with you all.

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