Institutions – Playing a big role for discipline in 21st century


In one of our previous articles, we have discussed much about the importance of self-control & discipline for the individuals.  However, the surrounding environment is much responsible for imbibing these attributes among the individuals. This surrounding environment could include the parents, family, society and schools / colleges etc. Here, I am focusing much about the responsibility of the institutions in inculcating the discipline in the young minds.

Now, the question arises that why only schools / colleges? The answer is, as an individual devotes the major time of his life in schools. Therefore, the impact of the school learnings over his character will also be large.

institutions and discipline

Points helping in inculcating the discipline in the young minds

Coming to the point that how schools can contribute in teaching the discipline to the students? The following points will help you in answering the same;

1. Tell them the importance of maintaining discipline through real-life examples. The focus, while giving these examples, should be on building the understanding through the impact of discipline over the actions of these characters. Healthy discussions should also be the part of such examples for understanding the impact of those actions over the society, environment and the nation in the long run.

3. Learning of discipline through involvement in the sports activities is also one of the best ways.

4. Empower the young minds with self-control & discipline by involving them in yoga activities as well.

5. Also empower them by organizing the field trips in nearby areas, where they are required to interact with the people of these areas and identify their problems. Also tell them to propose the solutions for these problems. Team work is also one of the proven ways to learn the discipline.

6. The students should also be inculcated with moral and ethical values at a very early stage.

7. Tell them that “respect is to be earned, It cannot be inherited from one person to another”. Moreover, also counsel them to respect the beliefs of each and every individual.

8. Counsel them to respect elders as well as younger ones through the importance of learning. Also tell them that learning can happen through anyone.

9. Also tell them the art of time management as everyone is having the same amount of time. Some manages it in a very planned manner and effectively utilises the same while others always blame for the lack of time.

10. Also take other necessary actions, as deemed fit in order to inculcate the value of the discipline among the students.

These are the certain points, which could be useful in inculcating the value of discipline among the students.


The responsibility of the educational institutions is always higher than others because they are involved in educating the young minds for a better future and contributor in a prosperous nation. That’s why if an institution is not able to inculcate these values among the students, the situation becomes disastrous for the society.

The societies always wants thier contributors to be self-controlled and disciplined so that they can act wisely, especially during the critical circumstances like the present one of Covid – 19.

In general, the motive of the institutions should always be not only to educate the young minds with the curriculum of the degrees, but to make them enough capable to use the learnings of the education in the betterment of the society.

What do you think? Does insitutions really helps in inculcating the discipline among the young minds? Share your thoughts with us.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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