Role of media in changing the mindset of the society


“Role of the media in changing the mindset of the society” Yes, you have heard right. Media plays a very big role in changing the mindset of the society. Well if you already know that how it happens? It’s fine but if not, then let me move you through some quick facts to get an idea of the same. Have you ever noticed that in our country, how many rape cases are actually happened? More, does they all gets the same amount of attention from media?

Other examples you can take as – are we really so much intolerant as been presented by the media in the context of religion, cast and other cases? Does every mob lynching or other similar cases get same amount of attention from the media? There could be many more examples like these, you have gone through daily. So, what makes the incident / event so special that it gets featured in their news sections. There could be several reasons behind them but one thing, which is common, is their TRP (Television Rating Point).

Understanding it better

In order to understand it better, have you gone through all those prime-time debate shows on news channels? If yes, have you noticed that these debates are never moderated for making conclusions / solutions. Why?

Because if these debates would become the part of the conclusion for solution, then the topic would get finished easily. But this is not the purpose. More, if they would not make these sessions so heated, your mind would also not get burst with the plethora of feelings. This is also not their purpose. Then, what is their purpose. Their sole purpose is to present the news in way that could burst your mind with plethora of thoughts and hence helping them in increasing their TRP. Here, my purpose is not to claim this as right or wrong. As nothing in the universe is right or wrong in absolute. It is your perspective which makes the incident right or wrong.

Understanding it from the present day situation

Now coming to the example of present-day situation – coronavirus pandemic and how media is changing the mind of the society in this scenario. In order to understand it better have you ever gone through the way; the facts are being presented by the media over the same. Let’s understand this with the statistics for the September 2, 2020.

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Facts – One side of the coin

So, as per the attached photograph, the total coronavirus cases in India are 3,773,483. While at the same time, till date, 2,902,096 has already been recovered and death count is 66,491. So, if you will calculate with this data, it means that total closed cases are 2,968,587. With this, you can also get the idea that the total active cases, as of now, are 8,04,896. Now, fact is that the cases are definitely increasing but on the other hand the count of recovered ones is also increasing.

Facts – the media way

So, when you go through the news channels, you would realize that they always focus on the highest number, when it comes to the stats of coronavirus. Here the matter is not that, they will not tell you the stats of recovered cases and deaths. But, one thing you will notice that the way, they will highlight the bigger amount (i.e. 3,773,483), would create a feeling of fear in the community. With this, their purpose of overflowing your mind with the feelings of fear would get served.

Facts – other side of the coin

On the other hand, if they will start representing the same stats in terms of the percentage of the cases with respect to the population of country. What will happen, it will become a very low figure to tell. Hence, the community will take it in a normal way. More, the fear would also be not in a way, it is, as of now. This way of presenting could be like – if I would say;

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The total coronavirus cases (3,773,483) in India are 0.27% of the total population (1,382,308,045). The active coronavirus cases (8,04,896.) in India are 0.05% of the total population (1,382,308,045).

The total coronavirus cases (3,773,483) in India are 8.51% of the total tested population (44,337,201). The active coronavirus cases (8,04,896) in India are 1.81% of the total tested population (44,337,201).

The total recovered cases (2,902,096) in India are 76.91% of the total coronavirus cases (3,773,483). The death counts (66,491) in India are 1.76% of the total coronavirus cases (3,773,483).

So, now if the stats would get highlighted in this way, how would you feel? I hope, you got the idea about what I wanted to convey.

Conclusive remarks

Even the above stat is much lower than the death counts due to road accidents in India, which is 32.42 % of the total road accidents in 2018. So, what you will do?  Will you left driving on roads or always be at home?

My point here is not to convey that there is no need to take precaution. Yes, take precautions and follow the safety norms & guidelines but don’t take much stress. There are lot more problems, which needs to addressed at this time like unemployment, down fall in the industries and lot more.

Now, I hope, you got the idea of how the media can change your mind with their way of presenting the facts. With the above few cases, I hope, you could get a better understanding of the same.

Stay safe, be pleasant, remain productive


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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