Rudra Blogs

Education & Career, Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 has changed the engineering education in 21st century? Know, How it has happened?

Preamble In my last article, I was talking about the reason of downfall in engineering admissions through the demand and supply perspective. However,

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Education & Career, Society and Culture

Would skills like coding helps you in dreaming and achieving more in 21st century?

Preamble Hi, Do you want to be a millionaire, billionaire or a business tycoon? or Do you wish to work at Google, Apple or Facebook in package of

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Mechanical Engineering, Career
Education & Career

Career Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering to look forward in 21st century

What is Mechanical Engineering all about? Being the oldest branch of engineering, mechanical engineering has contributed a lot to mobilise the

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Studying Abroad, Universities, ways to study abroad, Courses, Education
Education & Career

Achieve your perfect life: A guide for studying abroad in 2023

All of us have that one dream of ‘Studying abroad’ in our bucket list. We dream of living in our favourite cities, studying the culture, meeting

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Education & Career, Leadership and Team Work, Society and Culture

Are you Struggling Hard to find the way to get success in 2023?

Preamble What is success? What do you understand by the meaning of this term? These are some of the questions, which moves around in our mind.

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Time Management
Education & Career, Leadership and Team Work, Society and Culture

6 Flat-Out Lies or Myths about Time Management

Time Management Oh, God! The day is so short. Does this statement come across your mind as well? Since everyone has the same number of 24-hour days,

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Design Thinking, Game Changer for Entrepreneurship
Education & Career, Industry 4.0

Design Thinking: 5 Game Changer Steps for the growth of Entrepreneurs

Certain things leave an impact on our minds for a very long duration of time. Do you remember the innovations and advertisements of a few popular

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habits of successful people, successful study habits
Education & Career, Society and Culture

Struggling with your Daily Routine and Study? 10 Tips to Follow the Habits of Successful People and Form Successful Study Habits

In today’s fast-paced world, managing your studies, the demands of the digital world, and staying active on social media can be daunting.

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data analysis, business analytics, 10 companies in business analytics
Education & Career, Society and Culture

Business Analytics – Top 10 Companies to start your Dream Career for Growth

Business analytics is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field that empowers organizations to transform raw data into valuable insights, enabling

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Artificial Intelligence, Revolution of Technology
Education & Career

Artificial Intelligence – The global revolution promising Services and Job Opportunities in 21st Century

Artificial Intelligence is one of the fields that has opportunity for growth and has immense potential to produce high tech computing interconnecting

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