11 ways for Students to Manage Stress and Perform better in their Career Journey

Table of Contents

Stress, is it helpful or harmful?

Generally, we consider stress as a negative factor that harms our day-to-day life, right? But it is not true in every situation. We can also use it to achieve our goals efficiently. It could even play a beneficial and essential role in our life. The adrenaline that comes when we get puzzeled helps us to perform better in every situation. It creates a slight fear in us for the successful completion of the tasks and compel us to work more with the dedication to accomplish things effectively. But, at the same time, if this anxiety becomes so much that one even can’t control it, it will become very harmful then.

stress management
steressed life

Generally, there are two types of stress, good one – which keeps us motivated and will be beneficial, bad one – which causes anxiety and health problems. It, if it stays around for days and weeks, might weaken our body like losing immunity, depression, anxiety, and also it might lead to severe heart diseases.

Although, It is very tough for an individual to know whether they are experiencing good stress or bad stress, but there are some symptoms from which they can understand that they are under stress;

  1. Loss of concentration.
  2. Irritation
  3. Over anxiety
  4. Feeling depressed
  5. Sleeplessness
  6. Feeling sick more often

However, the successful mechanisms to cope up with the stress may vary from person to person and situation to situation.

Now, coming to the stress in the life of young generation due to overthinking for their career journey

Thinking about our future career or life is never wrong, but overthinking about the same can lead us to be under stress. Most of the time, students are stressed about their future or used to regret for their mistakes, made in the past. This stops them from performing well in their present as well. First of all, we need to understand that having stress is a common human phenomenon but what students need to learn is to manage stress.

As mentioned earlier stress also have its advantage. So, we should not aspire for a completely stress-free life as it will not take us anywhere. Although, You will experience anxiety at different stages in your life, but managing your stress will help you overcome every problem and succeed in your life. This will help you to perform better in your life.

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Now, the question comes how to manage stress?

So, at first, students should stop even thinking about their past because whatever happened in the past can not be changed now. You should accept your past failures/achievements and move on. Secondly, you should also not stress much about your future, because your future results from what you do today. Your future is entirely dependent on your actions, the kind of hard work and effort you are going to put into your life / career.  So, start focusing on your present and start working hard with a positive attitude. A positive attitude towards your studies will keep you motivated to work even more challenging.

Successful Career Journey

Being a student, what you can do are as follows:

Determine what you want to achieve and plan your strategies in that direction.

Set a daily/weekly achievable target for yourself and work hard to achieve it.

Analyse your performance if you are doing good or how you can improve further.

Focus on studies along with maintaining a perfect balance with other co-curricular activities.

Don’t compare your marks or achievements with others. Everyone’s capabilities and objectives are different.

Don’t be disheartened if you are not getting the desired result.

Revise your strategies and take small steps rather than creating a burden for yourself.

Don’t ignore your hobbies or things that give you joy. They will help you in reducing stress.

Don’t let the burden of others’ expectations pressurize you.

Stay away from negative people.

Always welcome new opportunities and have a positive attitude towards life.

At last, you should have faith and patience in your abilities. Everything you wish to happen, it will happen, if you work for it. You don’t have to be worried about achieving a goal. Life is a journey, not a destination; enjoy and focus on your path, and you would not know when you reached your goal. That’s how you will cross your life journey happily and successfully. I hope that this article will enrich your thoughts. To read these types of articles more. in order to further power our thoughts, stay connected with us.

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