Decision making

confused about career, decision making

Confused about career, Improve your decision-making with 4 simple steps of career counselling

Confused about Career? This is our fourth article in the education & career series. In our previous articles, we have done a lot of discussion about different issues such as “why the students are not much interested in engineering education these days as they were before”, and “the impact of Industry 4.0 over-engineering education & […]

Confused about career, Improve your decision-making with 4 simple steps of career counselling Read More »

Psychometric tests – one of the great tools for making career decision in 21st century

Psychometric tests are one of those great tools, which help an individual make wise and informed decisions during their career. Preamble In our previous article, I have focused much on answering “How to choose” rather than “what to choose” while going through the stage of confusion in making the right career decision. As the latter

Psychometric tests – one of the great tools for making career decision in 21st century Read More »

Watched lots of motivational videos – Still there is no change in life?

Do you watch motivational and inspirational videos to keep yourself energetic throughout the day or maybe life? Or Do you read stories, articles, and books that may inspire and motivate you to lead your life with great energy and enthusiasm? Preamble I strongly believe that all of us may be either watching such videos or

Watched lots of motivational videos – Still there is no change in life? Read More »

Leadership in 21st century – Challenging road towards greatness

Preamble Leader, usually when we thought of this word, we come in our mind with the pictures of great super heroes who comes and rescues everyone in the times of disaster. In other words, they always work for the prosperity and happiness of the community. We always think that, they are blessed with super powers

Leadership in 21st century – Challenging road towards greatness Read More »

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