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Book Plant

Book Plant

My mind absorbs a magical sunlight,Everytime my hands open a book,Whether my eyes want to read or my fingers want to write,My brain starts bathing in the knowledge brook.Like a plant’s root that absorbs nutrients from the soil below,My brain nurtures the letters and plays with the ink;I make sure I choose the right platter […]

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Silent Patriotism by vizzmaya jalal

Silent Patriotism

A long time ago in a special place called her mind, Mira hid a chest with a heart full of questions, all unanswered. Since she was little, she had been seeing people acting extremely patriotic on Independence Day and Republic Day. She had gotten used to them giving motivational speeches and creating inspirational art on

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Poetry writing

ओ मेरी लाडो

अपने अंतस का प्रेम जो आँखों से बाहर आ रहा हैउस मोती को शब्द -ब -शब्द लिख रहा हूँये दिल, दिमाग, साँसे अपनी दुनियां ही नहींमैं अपनी आत्मा को तेरे नाम कर रहा हूँ lकुछ दिनों पहले जो ये ख़्वाब देखा था हमें तेरी माँ और मैंनेउसका प्रतिफल हो तुमहमारे लिए कल -आज और कल

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Do we want to wipe ourselves with mineral oil towels Instead of bathing in fresh clean water? When will we stop disrobing Mother Earth like Queen Draupadi To make her look and feel hotter? While she cries out to us and mourns for her other offsprings And burns like Joan of Arc everyday due to

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