Team Work

team work, emotional intelligence, soft skills, career growth

8 Important soft skills to increasing the growth potential of your career

Soft skills, also known as interpersonal or people skills, are personal attributes that enable individuals to interact with others effectively. They include communication, leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, emotional intelligence, and many others. Soft skills are highly valued by employers as they are critical for success in the workplace. Here are some reasons why soft skills […]

8 Important soft skills to increasing the growth potential of your career Read More »

Leadership – 6 Proven Ways to grow your teams during covid-19

Leadership is facing multiple challenges in managing their businesses during covid-19. They are even struglling hard to motivate their teams during the present situation of covid-19. So, what to do? One option is to wait for conditions to be normal first and then try something. Now, if you are going to do this, believe me,

Leadership – 6 Proven Ways to grow your teams during covid-19 Read More »

Institutions – Playing a big role for discipline in 21st century

Preamble In one of our previous articles, we have discussed much about the importance of self-control & discipline for the individuals.  However, the surrounding environment is much responsible for imbibing these attributes among the individuals. This surrounding environment could include the parents, family, society and schools / colleges etc. Here, I am focusing much about

Institutions – Playing a big role for discipline in 21st century Read More »

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