vizzmaya jalal



Do we want to wipe ourselves with mineral oil towels Instead of bathing in fresh clean water? When will we stop disrobing Mother Earth like Queen Draupadi To make her look and feel hotter? While she cries out to us and mourns for her other offsprings And burns like Joan of Arc everyday due to

Eco-Truth Read More »

Responsible Rita by vizzmaya Jalal

Responsible Rita

Rita grew up inside a cocoon of parental protectiveness and had never experienced the jerks and perks of reality. Today, it was different. Though, she woke up in her same soft bed with fully pillows and silk sheets, there were tremors of expectations going through her. The cool wind blew through the pink curtains letting

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Shadows without Name

Shadows without Name

With a weapon called the ‘Destruction Virus’,A pandemic called Corona came into our lives;Stealing away our freedom, our jobs and our loved ones,It mutates into variants and still happily thrives. First our doctors experimentedWith combinations of different medicines;While our scientists worked day and nightAnd came up with some effective vaccines. Now, that things are falling

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