vizzmaya jalal

My loved one

My loved one

Waving out to me with a beautiful smile,She would pack my tiffin and send me to school;Her melodious voice that would greet me,When I return home after a day in the temple of rule. Delicious food she would serveAnd feed me with her own hand;While I tell her about my experienceson that day in student […]

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Angel Water

Angel Water

When it pours from the sky, It purifies the nature and nurtures the earth;When it falls from the eyes,It detoxes the mind which takes another birth. It is our most valuable gift from the universe,A gift that is used and misused endlessly;Save its drops for the generations to come;Take care of it like your baby, with

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Money Virus

Money Virus

Friction between the notes When being counted anxiously,Jingling of coins are seldom heardIn the world now ruled financially. Like the snake that tempted Adam and EveTo take a bite of the forbidden fruit,It takes over our minds and rewires our brains,So that we spend our entire lives only in its pursuit. It can ruin or break

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Glory of Poetry

Glory of Poetry

Like tea leaves that are cut, turned and curled To make refreshing black tea,In a similar way, words are smartly processedTo create every kind of poetry. Just as different veggies and spices come together,Along with positive energy to make a delicious curry;In the same fashion, thoughts, ideas and experiences Are cooked with love to form rich poetry.

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Farmers' Nooses

Farmers’ Nooses

Looking at the soil that he nurtured With his blood, sweat and life,Now, that he had lost his land to corrupt bigshots and middlemen,He wondered what would happen to his children and wife. He heard that compensation moneyWas being given to the familiesOf farmers who had committed suicideAnd thought that money could secure his family with

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