
How is technology assisting people in living a meaningful and comfortable life in 21st century?

Technology has become an essential part of our life. We can’t even imagine surviving in this rapidly changing world without technology. Even the pandemic has taught us how important technology is for our lives. It helps the people stay connected, work, learn new things, and get exposure to multiple new things going around us. There is no uncertainty in the way that in the present occasions, technology has made our lives very simple and at the same time productive too. Furthermore, individuals have been utilizing it for profiting themselves from numerous points of view, isn’t it so?

So, if we have to discuss the role of technology in making our lives beneficial then, we can discuss the following

Technology has made our lives easier and better through better communication

Communication is an essential factor in a human’s social life. The role has made transmission much more accessible these days. While in the past, it took days to send or receive any message, but now the technology has made a drastic change in it. Now, we can send and receive the messages within seconds through mail services, messaging apps, etc. We can communicate with our friends/families living far within seconds. We can chat, voice call, or even video call them whenever we wish. This has reduced the conveying gap between humans. We are aware of things going around the globe at one glance.

Advertising has been made easier with Technology.

We can say, the digital advancement of telecommunication has also improved advertisement a lot. Google ads, Facebook ads, YouTube ads are the best examples of this. With this, it has becomes easy and comfortable. Organizations spend huge bucks on this to market themselves through these platforms as it provides a common platform for them to meet their potential target customers. It has become for the organizations to convey and reach out to their potential customers and track their activities to tailor their strategies accordingly.

technology is changing lives

Learning has been made easier and efficient with the advancement of technology.

The world is moving towards a digital era. So is the education system and work environment – the Internet, which provides a lot of information that helps people learn in the present-day world. Now, when this pandemic has made schools/colleges and offices shut down, what kept us going even in this challenging situation is the technology which kept us connected and everyone including students, working professionals are continuing their careers by just sitting in their homes with the help of these technological advancements.

Technology is being used for travelling, shopping etc.

In the shopping and travelling industries, technology has also brought a lot of changes which made us very comfortable. Changes like online booking of tickets, online shopping includes almost all the human needs that we can buy online. It has made both the organization’s work and customers life more accessible. Now everything we want is just a fingertip away. It even becomes easier for marketers to track their customer data, understand their preferences and needs. And for customers, it becomes easy to access products/services as per their needs and requirements.

Mobile phones and Computers.

Now, talking about the advancements in mobile phones and computers, we can see them directly. There is no need to discuss them. Earlier, the mobile phone was a device which we can use only for a phone call. But now the mobile phone itself is a mini-computer that we can carry in our pockets. Mobile goes where the user goes. It consists of portable two-way devices, computing devices and the telecommunication that connects them. They are not just a device, but a window from where we can access the whole world, a solution to almost all our problems. We can’t even imagine a life without these devices.

The above mentioned are some of the changes that mechanism has made in our daily life, Although, there are many more, but even a book is not sufficient to discuss all those. This shows that how the applied science has improved and made our lives very happy and comfortable within a short span.

Hope this article has been able to serve its purpose. For more details over this or get guidance in your career for success, stay in touch with us

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