Time Management

Time Management – 6 Powerful hacks to Boost your Productivity

Why to Improve Productivity using Time Management?

Today, the entire world is busy. To survive in this busy world, students need to manage their time well. Students should know that time is also one of the finite resources we have, like money and energy. Therefore, students have to learn how to manage it effectively. Time management is nothing but planning and controlling the time you are spending daily. Effective time management helps us to complete more in less time and effort. In addition, it also reduces our stress as we are able to finish the tasks that we wrote on our to-do list well before their deadlines.

Moreover, effective time management gives us a sense of achievement and satisfaction from fulfilling our goals. It also allows us to spend some time on our hobbies too. Good time management always allows students to make the most of their abilities and getting encouragement and satisfaction in accomplishing their goals.

Now I will tell you a small story of Benjamin Franklin, former president of the USA. When he was in the chair of the USA president, people started complaining that he is not working properly, even though he was consistently working for the people. He got fed up with all this and started observing himself. He started writing some lists of worthy tasks, essential tasks, less important tasks, avoidable tasks. Then he removes the tasks from the lists when he completed them.

He realized that he had been working on the less important tasks more than the worthy ones from his observation and from then, he started planning the tasks and managing each of them more effectively. From this, we can say that Planning is the Most Effective Weapon for Time Management.

Now, you must be wondering how a student can manage their time so that their hard work is being utilized in the most effective manner. I understand that a student has many responsibilities and obligations to complete, but many times our efforts and duties are overlooked by our mentors and teachers and due to this burden of the task we miss out on the most important tasks. I will tell you how you can plan your schedule to use your time in the most efficient way.

6 hacks to Time Management

So, just go through and follow these 6 hacks to improve your productivity drastically using Time management:

Make a proper schedule for your routines tasks: Plan all work, studies, playtime, your passion, and hobbies that you want to do in a day. Make sure that your schedule is achievable. Don’t overburden yourself.

Prioritize your work: prioritize your work on the basis of their importance or the one you want to do first like the most important, medium important, less important, and unnecessary tasks. This will help you to eliminate unnecessary tasks.

time management

Use your time efficiently: by saying so I mean analyze yourself throughout the day and observe very precisely that when you are fully active and like to work or the time you feel lazy. Then you can map your most important tasks with your most active time and the most interesting task when you feel lazy, it will motivate you to work and thus help you utilize your time effectively.

Don’t multitask: I know multitasking can help you achieve multiple targets at a time, but you should focus more on the quality of your tasks rather than the number of tasks completed.

Set up your virtual classroom: In this pandemic, everyone has to either study from home / WFH which many times takes our personal time and space. Learn to maintain a balance between them. So you can have a healthy balanced life.

Get proper sleep: It is one of the most crucial factors of human life, which is neglected by many of us. Plan your schedule in such a way that you get 7-8 hours of sleep daily.

These are some of the techniques with the help of which you can manage your time effectively. As time is the most important resource for anyone and being a student it is extremely important for you to invest your time in the most important things for you so that you may have the maximum return in the future.

Time once gone will never come back. So, choose and plan your tasks wisely so that you don’t have to regret about time in the future.

Hope this article will help you in managing your time effectively.

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