Lockdown Diary – Missed the moments of joy and happiness in 2020


During this tough time of Covid – 19, when everyone is being forced to stay at home amidst the ongoing lockdown. There is the necessity to learn the several kinds of lessons through this pandemic situation. Such kinds of lessons like key learnings, leadership lessons, environmental lessons and many more, I have already gone through them in our previous articles. But, apart from these lessons, there is something, which we are missing badly during this lockdown. So, now “what are we missing amidst lockdown?” is the topic of today’s talk.

Before going deep in to the answer of today’s question one thing, which I wanted to mention here. That is, it is irony of human race that we understand the importance of something in its absence. So, I hope that, we all are going through the plethora of such emotions during this lockdown. Most importantly, we all are missing our local environment. Due to which we are understanding the importance of being vocal of local. But what else we are missing, let’s share the feelings;

What are we missing?

Something, which we all are missing badly that is our daily routine. So, what is that routine?

If you are a student

For students, this is going to be like; being ready every morning in hurry and going to schools, while commuting, planning for their daily tasks like meeting with friends, bunking the classes, partying at café and going to the library or some places like under the shadow of the trees to have those private meetings with so called close friends. Moreover, while in a class, if a teacher is going to take surprise test, looking at each other’s face for help (even after knowing that no one knows anything) and many more………….

If you are a professional

For professionals, this is also going to be like; being ready every morning in hurry and going to office, while commuting, planning for the work of the day, long meetings with boss having no or less conclusion, assigning the tasks and follow up with the team, some lighter moments during breaks, gossiping about office stories and many more………..

If you belong to business category

For business persons, again being ready and going to their businesses, dealing with the hassles of the daily activities, talking to the stakeholders for the further planning and many more………….

What else than office moments?

After coming back from the workplace, planning for the parties during weekends

Also planning for the wedding invitations (as this was the wedding season), small get together with friends and many more

lockdown missing moments

Partying, enjoying and sleeping late night on Saturdays as there was no worry of workplace for Sundays. Getting up late on Sundays as no workplace and doing the activities like preparing special foods, cleaning & washing and many more

pizza missed during lockdown

Going to the banks of rivers during evening and realizing the peace in our minds.

Having road side snack items like golgappe, aloo tikki, momos, chowmein and many more………

missed parties during lockdown

Planning for holidays, as it was not easy to get, like Where to go? Whom to meet? What to do? What to eat? and many more………………….

Most of us are away from their native place due to jobs or other reasons. In case you also had not been able to go to your native place, you also might be missing the same.

Conclusive remark

There also might be many other things, which you are missing. But, as the time has given us the opportunity, let’s utilize it in realizing the importance of necessities and learning for the new normal situation.

Stay home. Be safe. Remain happy.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this article are the author’s own views. The views are presented here just for the purpose of information. These views are not meant to harm any one’s belief / thoughts.

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