My Little Sparrow

My Little Sparrow

My memory reel has taken me to the first day we met,
You tapped on my window pane, tired and wet;
It was pouring outside and how restless you were,
I ran and got you some grains and water.

When, the sun unleashed its light,
You happily took a flight;
Nurtured and joyful, without any pain,
I didn’t know if I would see you again.

But you returned the next day with two charming mates,
Although, they enjoyed the grain feast and flew through the gates;
I was happy that you stayed back and rested on the flower pot,
And I decided to make you a bed with everything I got.

An old shoe box with dry twigs and a velvet hanky,
Layers of cotton underneath to let you be;
Comfortable and warm in every weather,
It was for my little Brownie, my baby forever.

Smile couldn’t leave my face,
When I saw you enjoying your new place;
We spent each afternoon together, having fun,
Spun memories of joy under the sun.

Some said you were the messenger of death, 
While others called you a good luck charm;
But you play your role in maintaining ecological balance,
And wouldn’t cause anyone any harm.

Then, one fine day, you took your usual morning flight,
And didn’t return till late in the night;
The grains, the box and I have been waiting for you for days,
The pearls from my eyes have been decorating the Brownie palace.

They say your species are dying,
due to chemicals, heat and pesticides;
Hence, daily, I pray you didn’t fly into a trap,
Where the Lord of chemicals resides.

You have been away from home for far too long,
This empty nest syndrome has turned me weak from strong;
I cannot drown any deeper in the sea of sorrow,
Please come back to me, my Brownie, my little sparrow.

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