Feel the positivity

Feel the positivity

Does fear stop you

From trying something new?

Did you ever panic in silence

When the situation got extremely tense?

Did anxiety make you lose your sense

in front of an audience?

Does nervousness hold back your pen

In the examination den?

Do you worry too much about the future

Or do your past wounds a staple and suture?

Does your heart start pounding hard

When failure lands up on your card?

Do you let hurdles break you Or make your stronger?

Can you say,

“I don’t have to be perfect any longer”?

It’s alright for humans to make mistakes;

Life has bitter decoctions but also sweet cakes;

Promise yourself that you will start afresh every day

And learn from every experience that comes your way.

Keep trying the same thing or choose to try your hand

At every different thing on this mortal land;

After all, the divine light and eternal peace amalgamation

Is every human being’s final destination.

Try to feel the positivity at every cost

In everything that seems bad or lost;

It might take some time to understand and apply

But for the energy that hope will give you, it’s surely worth a try.

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