Abandoned for being a Girl

Abandoned for being a Girl

No matter what I do,
It is not enough to please,
The people who value boys much more than girls
And want to turn me into a servant and will never let me live in peace.

No appreciation for my achievements which are a lot;
No gestures of love for me;
No calls, no visits as if I am a stranger;
No money to pay my educational fee.

Not bothered if my mother and I have
Any food on our plates;
Knowing fully well that she is very ill and bedridden
And we have no source of income coming through any gates.

My maternal grandfather takes care of both of us;
He is old but is physically and mentally strong;
I miss my maternal grandmother who is in heaven,
As she used to pamper me like crazy until cancer took her along.

We are now a family of three,
Fighting a battle of survival without any monetary resource;
How can a person be with someone during their good times 
And when they become critically ill, leave them to suffer and die in due course?

Is this right?
As to me, it seems like a crime;
No gratitude for everything done for them,
Instead calling our love and sacrifice, a drama all the time.

After enjoying everything they gave
From the money they earned all their lives,
Through hardwork laced with their blood and sweat,
Calling years of unconditional love as drama, hurts as sharp as knives.

I thought highly educated people have strong moral values,
After reaching professionally at such a high acumen;
But I have learnt through my experience that it is the upbringing,
That drives you to selflessly do your duties and makes you a good human.

I feel really bad for my maternal grandfather and my mother;
Every day, I see them suffer;
I am the sun of their solar system;
They are surviving in pain just for my life to successfully blossom.

I will never be able to payback to my maternal family,
In cash or kind;
For everything they have done for me;
My fame and success is part of the world that for me, they designed.

Gender doesn’t matter, broken are those fences;
All the children are equal no matter the differences;
You don’t become a father by just passing on your genes and surname;
For me, love is a two way street, as I reciprocate whatever anyone gives me in life’s game.

May no other child or woman or senior citizen be treated this way;
Such social criminals like my paternal family have to answer and pay
The price of negligence and for creating this evil whirl;
And answer my question, ‘Why am I abandoned for being a girl?

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