An Engineer's Holi

An Engineer’s Holi

With books and notes, they spend their days

In labs and lectures, they pass their ways

But on this day, they put it all aside

And join the festivities with great pride

The engineering student picks up their gear

And heads out to the streets with cheer

A splash of colors here, a squirt of water there

With friends and strangers, they spread love everywhere

The equations and formulas are all forgotten

As they dance to the beats of the drum, unbroken

With hands in the air, they let themselves go

And immerse in the colors, a beautiful rainbow

The bright hues of red, green, and blue

Create a kaleidoscope of joy, anew

As they smear each other’s faces and hair

The engineering student forgets their academic affair

The celebration lasts all day and night

Till they’re drenched in colors, a beautiful sight

The engineer rejoices in this break from their routine

And returns to their books, rejuvenated and serene

For on this day, they remember the joys of life

And the importance of taking a break from strife

The engineering student celebrates Holi with glee

And remembers to live life to the fullest, happily.

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