Like tea leaves that are cut, turned and curled
To make refreshing black tea,
In a similar way, words are smartly processed
To create every kind of poetry.
Just as different veggies and spices come together,
Along with positive energy to make a delicious curry;
In the same fashion, thoughts, ideas and experiences
Are cooked with love to form rich poetry.
Every department in an office has a role to play,
In order to maintain the balance and glory;
In literature too, words are carefully chosen and wisely appointed
In the elite department called poetry.
With the power to make us cry,
As well as to put a smile on our faces;
Turning on our brain gym to figure out the hidden meanings,
Poems can instantly reach out and awaken people in different places.
Everyone is a poet
Some may write, others may not;
Poetry is a story wearing a veil of rhymes
Or sometimes just prose with emotions that we forgot.
Let us celebrate every rhyme, haiku, sonnet and ode,
Along with their siblings who speak to our hearts;
Sprinkle some poetry in your life
And get enveloped in the magic of literary arts.
Happy World Poetry Day!

Vizzmaya is a wanderer in the land of stories and an explorer in the sea of poetry. She is 10 years old but her life’s experiences make her writing age faster but gracefully. She is awaiting for the release of not just her first book but all her 7 e-books via Amazon by the end of November, titled- Vizzmaya’s wonderland (parts 1 to 7) which contain poems, stories, write-ups and jingles. She hopes they add positive energy to the lives of everyone who reads them and is passed on to others for their betterment.
Vizzmaya Jalal, a Class 5 student of St. Francis ICSE school, Mumbai, is a poetess, a writer, an aromatherapist, a herbalist, a classical singer, a classical dancer, a keyboard player, a basketball and chess player and a linguist who speaks 9 languages. She is an iron girl who sees her bedridden mother medically suffer like hell each day and yet inspires and motivates her to fly higher with the help of my maternal grandfather’s positive energy and take others along with her beyond the clouds of earthly problems and pain to a peaceful place where spirituality and science live together in harmony; thus staying true to her name, Vizzmaya which means wonderment.