If I Were a Tree, a poetry by Jesna John

If I Were a Tree

If I Were a Tree

If I were a tree,
What kind of a tree would I be?
What fruits would I bear?
Whose friendship would I endear?
Would birds of different hues sing for me?
Butterflies encircle me,
And the sun would wink at me.
If I were a tree,
I could touch the skies.
“I am so huge”, I would think,
and proud I would be.
Just a glance around,
and blushing.
Feel tiny within,
The world is so much better than me.
If I were a tree,
I would never cry.
I know nothing’s forever.
The leaves are my children,
But they aren’t my own,
They come and go.
The fruits are my own,
But I can’t own,
They are my gifts for the unknown.
I wish humans would be like me,
Forever giving,
No concerns.
No worries.
No wish for returns.
If I were a tree,
I would never be sad.
I would thank God for my long life,
And for everything that came and went through me.

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