Meaningful Life, a poetry by Rani Premkumar

Meaningful Life

Meaningful Life

I want my old life back,
The one where I could afford to be laid back!
I was loved, appreciated, and peaceful,
The days passed without anything dreadful!
Leaves slowly withered away and flowers fell,
Leaving my days blank which I am to kill!
Since then I have never felt the reassurances out of sincerity,
Nor chidings filled with anything but ingenuity!
Who can replace your creators in matters of love or care?
With whom any thought or word could be laid bare!
Now I own myself to care and love,
Without my effort, my plate does not get full or move!
I have to criticise and praise myself for being alive,
I am left to start getting interested in playing my game of life!
I push away the days waiting for the daily dose of love,
I wanted it to have no price tag to keep in my treasure trove!
I wanted to be accepted for what I am and who I am,
No one can switch their lives and scream!
Now I can only wish for the rebirth of my parents,
I live a mortal life even while the heart laments!
They say we chose our home before our earthly descent,
I sure wished for a life-meaningful, loving, and decadent!
Now I work through my days hoping to find a purpose,
And replace my craving for a meaningful life, with self-love on purpose!

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