Friction between the notes
When being counted anxiously,
Jingling of coins are seldom heard
In the world now ruled financially.
Like the snake that tempted Adam and Eve
To take a bite of the forbidden fruit,
It takes over our minds and rewires our brains,
So that we spend our entire lives only in its pursuit.
It can ruin or break relationships,
Taint friendships that have lasted a lifetime;
We can’t deny that we need it every day to live
But it has the power to make even the purest souls commit every crime.
It can pave the path towards greed or charity;
It is the biggest virus created by mankind;
It acts like a drug that causes vices to blossom;
We cannot find cure for this infection outside, as it lies in our mind.
An addiction that pulls us away from our family and friends,
Money is a fertilizer needed for every kind of growth;
Let us allow it to be our friend and not our master;
‘I will have just enough for a good family life’ should be our oath.

Vizzmaya is a wanderer in the land of stories and an explorer in the sea of poetry. She is 10 years old but her life’s experiences make her writing age faster but gracefully. She is awaiting for the release of not just her first book but all her 7 e-books via Amazon by the end of November, titled- Vizzmaya’s wonderland (parts 1 to 7) which contain poems, stories, write-ups and jingles. She hopes they add positive energy to the lives of everyone who reads them and is passed on to others for their betterment.
Vizzmaya Jalal, a Class 5 student of St. Francis ICSE school, Mumbai, is a poetess, a writer, an aromatherapist, a herbalist, a classical singer, a classical dancer, a keyboard player, a basketball and chess player and a linguist who speaks 9 languages. She is an iron girl who sees her bedridden mother medically suffer like hell each day and yet inspires and motivates her to fly higher with the help of my maternal grandfather’s positive energy and take others along with her beyond the clouds of earthly problems and pain to a peaceful place where spirituality and science live together in harmony; thus staying true to her name, Vizzmaya which means wonderment.