My loved one

My loved one

Waving out to me with a beautiful smile,
She would pack my tiffin and send me to school;
Her melodious voice that would greet me,
When I return home after a day in the temple of rule.

Delicious food she would serve
And feed me with her own hand;
While I tell her about my experiences
on that day in student land.

She would never complain if threw I tantrums;
Believe me, which were seldom;
Instead she would pacify me by trying
To understand from where I come.

She had just retired and was enjoying
Her wish to be a full time  grandmother;
But she was not just that to me,
She was my best friend, my backbone and my fairy godmother.

We would sleep hugging each other,
Though I would take up most of the space;
She would adjust everything according to my needs
And keep up with today’s fast pace.

From watching movies together,
to her telling me bedtime stories,
Her presence was enough to detox me
Of all my fears and worries.

We didn’t have much money
but she would sacrifice,
Everything to give me a royal life,
Along with unconditional love and a daily surprise.

Today, I came from school
But that voice didn’t greet me;
No aroma of my favourite dishes
And her bed was empty.

I called out ‘Mamma’, ‘Mamma’
But there was no response;
Suddenly, my eyes went to her photo with a garland and a candle,
Reminding me of my terrible loss.

My fountain of love had left me half way;
I know she didn’t have a choice;
When God calls, we all have to go,
As we are all just his earthly toys.

I would give up all my favourite things
For one chance to be with her again;
They say tears carry memories,
So, I don’t cry no matter the intensity of my pain.

Don’t take your loved ones for granted
As the past cannot be undone;
Digital distractions can take away our precious time
That we could have spent with our passed away loved one.

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