struggle of a teen - poetry writing

1) Struggle of a Teen: Bitter the emotions, better the future. 2) When I Started To Write

Table of Contents

Poem 1

You are a teen,

The period when you realise, world is so mean.

It’s the time when you understand the meaning of regret & sorrow,

And, eagerly wait for a peaceful tomorrow.

There’s a lot buried inside you,

There’s a lot hidden inside you,

That misery, despondency & remorse is restlessly waiting to come out in a queue.

These emotions helps us to perceive life better,

True! it is bitter,

But, that’s not the matter.

Because, they’ll make you realise how selfish is the world,

There’s not even purity in 24 carat gold.

No one to listen but a lot to say,

 Be strong and find your way.

You’ll gain more knowledge of what is wrong and right,

Cause’ there’s always a bright morning, after a dark night.

Poem 2

Unexpectedly, when I started to write, 
In my mind, there were thousands of pure thoughts, just like the colour white. 
There were so many emotions gathered in my heart, 
Mind exclaimed, “Soon, more will be added to the cart”. 
Afterall, it was my starting point, 
But, those impressive rhymes made it a good joint. 
My piece of work was disliked by many as well as liked by some, 
I worked hard, just to make those ‘many’ as none. 
Starting or doing something new or innovative is filled with lot of hurdles, 
But, when you achieve your goal, that success gives you loving cuddles. 
Failure is the base of starting,  
So, don’t lose hope, your trials will encourage them to increase your rating

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