poetry writing

The last faith, poetry by Anish Kanjilal

The Last Faith

The Last Faith The three stumps of wood — the floating hope ofhumankind on a rising sea.Above, the vultures hover awaiting to feed on theCarcass of human prideThe mangroves tremble, the fir and spruceexchanging condolencethough entwined by fate to leadeach other to obliterationMy poem ‘A Noah’s Ark’a refuge for he who offers his prostratedobeisance to

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Who Cracked the Eggs

Who Cracked the Eggs

The courtyard was full of curiosity,The poultry section was drowning in animosity;Their privacy had been breached, But no conclusion had been reached.Mrs. Webba Duck was consoling Mrs. Goldie Hen,She asked when it happened but no one knew when;Mr. Alarmy Rooster was strutting about in anger and frustration,Trying to find out what happened to the eggs last

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Said the leaf to the stem,The kitchen is closed today;The sun is hiding behind dark clouds,You will have to make do with what the root can give away.Tomorrow, I hope we get a sun bath,And our chefs can prepare delicious meals with ease;Said the stem to the root humbly,Today just nourish me please.The root gave

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Book Plant

Book Plant

My mind absorbs a magical sunlight,Everytime my hands open a book,Whether my eyes want to read or my fingers want to write,My brain starts bathing in the knowledge brook.Like a plant’s root that absorbs nutrients from the soil below,My brain nurtures the letters and plays with the ink;I make sure I choose the right platter

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Poetry writing

ओ मेरी लाडो

अपने अंतस का प्रेम जो आँखों से बाहर आ रहा हैउस मोती को शब्द -ब -शब्द लिख रहा हूँये दिल, दिमाग, साँसे अपनी दुनियां ही नहींमैं अपनी आत्मा को तेरे नाम कर रहा हूँ lकुछ दिनों पहले जो ये ख़्वाब देखा था हमें तेरी माँ और मैंनेउसका प्रतिफल हो तुमहमारे लिए कल -आज और कल

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