The man in white, poetry by Anish Kanjilal

The Man in White

The Man in White

Darkness breaks and a speck of light
Dressed in clouds besmeared with fog,
Yonder the shore — thou a man in white.
White ants sprawl over thy briny bosom
White foam spray on thy face,
Yonder the white, Welkin a canopy,
A Man who crawls but never resigns from a race….
Look down Apollo and gaze at the plight,
Thy light, thou and he….. all a
Man in white.

Sky breaks and afar a sight,
Dressed in autumn, besmeared with cold,
Yonder the horizon — thou a man in white.
It is winter on thy boughs,
frost down thy feet…
snow on thy head, icicles down thy cheeks,
but still thy rage to creep out of the pit…
Look down Apollo and gaze at the plight,
Thy light, thou and he….. all a
Man in white.

Colours of the world abjure your pride
Never pass to oblivion that you have emerged from white,
Besides remember, what the mirror
Reflects today…. tomorrow is a
man in white.

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